This is a response to my previous question, Is this admin area secure enough?.

There were some very helpful answers there, for which I am very grateful. So I went back to the drawing board and here is my new question, because I'm new to the security side of things and I'm not sure if I've understood or covered all of the loop holes correctly.

The problems I'm trying to protect the system against are:


Fig.1: Authorization & Login Script

Process to authorize a user
I hope this diagram is mostly self-explanatory. However, I will try to clarify certain functions.

  • check token: A token that is generated once a user logs in, stored in $_SESSION['auth_token'] and sent with any form the user submits.
  • check session: If the user has a valid token, pull their details from the database using the PHPSESSID (the name is required to welcome back the user). If the session id is not found or the token is invalid, their session has expired and they need to login again.
  • regen. session: Once the user is logged in successfully, give them a new session id (session_regenerate_id()) and update the database with the new session id. Set the $_SESSION['auth_token'] = md5(mt_rand(1,10000).$username);. The username is unique so this should generate a unique auth token so they may submit their own forms. I'm not sure if I've implemented this correctly - please see the example here
  • check login: Simply checks the bcrypted password matches the bcrypted input, and usernames match.
  • fail attempts: This side is added to slow down brute force attacks; first a captcha is added, then the IP is temporarily blocked and the user/account holder is sent an email of notification.
  • I will add more detail if necessary/correct these details if there are any mistakes

Implementation (so far):

Restricted page: starts with requirement of authenticate.php

<?php require_once "authenticate.php"; ?>

<p>Welcome <?php echo $_SESSION["guest"]; ?>! <a href="index.php?action=logout">Logout</a></p>

<p><a href="index.php?token=<?php echo $_SESSION["auth_token"] ?>">Try again.</a></p>

Authenticate.php: redirects to login.php if not authenticated
Note: I left encryption out (while testing) because bcrypt is unavailable in my version of PHP (5.2.17) so I'm looking for either SHA256 or SHA512.

    // load database abstraction layer
    require_once "../../dal.php";

function loginError($str) { if (isset($_SESSION["login_errors"])) $_SESSION["login_errors"] = "" . $_SESSION["login_errors"] . "; " . $str; else $_SESSION["login_errors"] = $str; } function hasValidToken() { return (isset($_SESSION["auth_token"]) && isset($_GET["token"]) && $_SESSION["auth_token"] == $_GET["token"]); } function hasValidSession() { return (session_id()? hasOpenSession() : false); } function hasOpenSession() { $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_store_admin WHERE php_sesskey=?;"; $data = array(session_id()); return (dbRowsCount($sql, $data) == 1); } function updateUserSession() { $sql = "UPDATE tbl_store_admin SET php_sesskey=? WHERE username=?"; $data = array(session_id(), $_SESSION["uid"]); dbQuery($sql, $data); return (dbRowsAffected() == 1); } function hasLoggedIn() { if (isset($_POST["uid"]) && isset($_POST["key"])) { $uid = htmlspecialchars($_POST["uid"]); $key = htmlspecialchars($_POST["key"]); return (getUser($uid, $key)); } else { return false; } } function wrongCredentials() { if (isset($_SESSION["login_attempts"])) { $_SESSION["login_attempts"] = $_SESSION["login_attempts"]+1; } else { $_SESSION["login_attempts"] = 1; } logout(); loginError("Bad Credentials"); return false; } function getUser($uid, $key) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_store_admin WHERE username=? AND keycode=? LIMIT 1;"; $data = array($uid, $key); $rows = dbRowsCount($sql, $data); if ($rows == 1) { dbQuery($sql, $data); $user = dbFetch(); // store data in session $_SESSION["uid"] = $user["username"]; $_SESSION["guest"] = $user["nickname"]; return true; } else { return wrongCredentials(); } } function logout() { if (isset($_SESSION["auth_token"])) { unset($_SESSION["auth_token"]); } if (isset($_SESSION["uid"])) { $sql = "UPDATE tbl_store_admin SET php_sesskey=NULL WHERE username=?;"; $data = array($_SESSION["uid"]); dbQuery($sql, $data); unset($_SESSION["uid"]); } if (isset($_SESSION["guest"])) { unset($_SESSION["guest"]); } } function hasAuthenticated() { if (hasValidToken()) { if (hasValidSession()) { return true; } else { logout(); return false; } } else { logout(); return hasLoggedIn(); } } function regenerateSession() { session_regenerate_id(); updateUserSession(); $token = "" . mt_rand(1,10000) . $_SESSION["uid"]; $_SESSION["auth_token"] = md5($token); } if (isset($_GET["action"]) && $_GET["action"]=="logout") { logout(); } if (!hasAuthenticated()) { header('Location: login.php'); } else { regenerateSession(); }


Login.php: A simple login form

function getRequestURL() {
    if (isset($_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
        return $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'];
    return "index.php?token=".$_SESSION["auth_token"];

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">

<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-Frame-Options" content="deny">

<title>Admin Login</title>

<style type="text/css"> .errorbox { position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; width:100%; height:100px; background-color:#FFAAAA; border:1px solid #FF0000; } .loginbox { width:600px; height:300px; border:5px solid #000000; margin:100px auto;

border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; background-color:#CCCCCC;

box-shadow:4px 4px 2px #999999; -moz-box-shadow:4px 4px 2px #999999; -webkit-box-shadow:4px 4px 2px #999999; } .formbox { width:400px; height:200px; margin:0px auto; } .label { width:120px; height:40px; text-align:right; line-height:40px; float:left; font-weight:bold; } .textinput { height:40px; width:260px; font-size:30px; line-height:40px; } .submitbtn { height:50px; width:100px; font-size:30px; line-height:40px; } </style> </head>

<body style="font-family: Arial;font-size:20px;">

<?php if (isset($_SESSION["login_errors"])) { ?> <div class="errorbox"> Error: <?php echo ($_SESSION["login_errors"]); ?> </div> <?php } ?>

<div class="loginbox"> <h1 align="center">Admin Area</h1>

<div class="formbox"> <form action="<?php echo getRequestURL(); ?>" method="POST"> <p><big> <div class="label">Name:</div>&nbsp; <input class="textinput" type="text" name="uid"/><br> <div class="label">Password:</div>&nbsp; <input class="textinput" type="password" name="key"/><br> </big></p> <p align="right"><input class="submitbtn" type="submit" value="Log In"/></p> </form> </div>


</body> </html>

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    for clickjacking, just set the x-frame-optoins: deny http header. – rook Apr 26 '12 at 21:36
  • I read about that but wasn't sure if it was cross-browser, but thanks... will do that. –  Apr 26 '12 at 21:38
  • I still don't see how the flow charts help, they are too vague. – rook Apr 28 '12 at 08:16
  • @Rook I see what you mean, because I realised I hadn't 'defined' enough when I tried to write the implementation for it. I've edited my post and added my implementation so far so you can see it. I plan on adding the anti-brute-force side of functions to login.php, it will check the value of failed login attempts, and depending on that display no captcha or increasingly difficult captchas. –  Apr 28 '12 at 13:13
  • If you can add the site to the HSTS list, then you can reduce the risk of MITM attacks – jrtapsell Jun 03 '18 at 15:19

1 Answers1


Overall. This is much better. But I still have some comments --

Clickjacking. Your diagram on preventing clickjacking is awfully vague. I presume you are doing client-side framebusting (using Javascript that runs on the client). Be warned that this is extremely error-prone and most people who write their own framebusting code end up with something that is subtly broken. One academic paper surveyed the top 500 most widely used sites (in 2010), and found that every single site that used framebusting, implemented it in a way that was insecure. The attacks were subtle and non-obvious, so the developers probably thought their code was fine -- when actually it was flawed.

I suggest that you read the following paper, which outlines approaches that are flawed and also describes how to do framebusting properly:

Workflow enforcement. I did not understand your discussion about ensuring that checkout.php shouldn't be accessed before review.php. It is not clear to me why you list this as a security property, or what security value this adds. It does not sound like a security issue to me. Also, your mechanism may break having multiple copies of your site open in multiple tabs.

If your concern is about forceful browsing attacks, I would suggest simply ensuring that you use proper CSRF defense at all places in the site, including on the checkout.php page and all form targets on that page.

CSRF defense. Note that you need to use a CSRF token to protect all side-effecting actions. If your site is properly architected, this means that a CSRF token should be used to protect all POST requests.

CSRF tokens. You use mt_rand() to generate the CSRF token. This is not secure and represents bad practice. You need to use a cryptographically strong PRNG (e.g., read from /dev/urandom), to ensure that the attacker cannot predict this value. mt_rand() is not cryptographically strong. See, e.g., Is a rand from glibc's rand secure for a login key?, What are the requirements for a random number generator to a be safe to use in cryptography?, Is a rand from /dev/urandom secure for a login key?.

Also, you are calling mt_rand(5,15), which means your random number is from the range 5..15. In other words, you have less than 4 bits of randomness. This is totally inadequate and completely broken. Hopefully that was a typo, or maybe I misunderstood.

Failed logins. You ban the user for one month after 10 failed login attempts. This is probably not such a great idea, because it makes it too easy for "griefers" to lock someone out of their account for a month. I suggest reading the following questions on this site: Why do sites implement locking after 3 failed password attempts?, Is denying login after incorrect attempts ineffective?, Appropriate strategy for preventing brute forcing of logins?, How do I secure my login page?, Why re-verify with CAPTCHA on failed form entry?.

Cookies. Make sure you set the secure flag on all cookies (so that they will only be sent back over HTTPS connections). I suggest that you enable HTTP Strict Transport Security, to prevent sslstrip-style attacks.

General comment. A lot of the stuff you are building is bog-standard. In the future you might consider choosing a web application development framework that provides support for these mechanisms (e.g., secure session management, CSRF defense, authorization checks). Also I encourage you to look at OWASP's resources on web application security. They cover a lot of the topics you're asking about pretty well.

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  • Thank you so much for your analysis, feedback and so many links. I really appreciate your help :). As for the click-jacking, I have to read that paper yet, but just know I'm not out here to stop every mad scientist for breaking the system! For my purpose, I just need something 'medium-secure'. As for the secure cookies, @Rook did mention that in the old post and I forgot to add it to this one, but will add it now. –  Apr 28 '12 at 13:19
  • CSRF: I have implemented a 'token' which is renewed every time a logged in user loads a restricted page, I've tested it out a bit and if I try to access the page with no token or a wrong token it forces me to login again. I realised mt_rand(5,15) only created a few different random hashes, so I changed it to mt_rand(1,10000). I have to read the related links you posted yet. –  Apr 28 '12 at 13:20
  • Failed logins: I realised that would be an annoyance, and I was thinking to actually drop the banning thing altogether, but just to display increasingly difficult captchas rather than locking out a user. (This is what gmail does anyway). –  Apr 28 '12 at 13:21
  • " I suggest that you enable HTTP Strict Transport Security, to prevent sslstrip-style attacks." How can the server prevent SSL stripping? sounds impossible to me. – CodesInChaos Apr 28 '12 at 13:57
  • @CodeInChaos, HSTS forces browser to send requests to domain only via HTTPS. Supported by FF and Chrome only. – Andrei Botalov Apr 28 '12 at 17:13
  • @AndreyBotalov I don't get how that helps against SSL stripping. My understanding is that to strip SSL, you need to be an active MITM. And in that case it's trivial to have a https connection from the MITM to the server, and a http connection from the user to the MITM. – CodesInChaos Apr 28 '12 at 18:51
  • @CodeInChaos, If HSTS is enabled browser will show error message instead of warning if certificate is not OK. And it will be very difficult for attacker to create certificate that will be OK. – Andrei Botalov Apr 28 '12 at 19:40
  • @Ozzy, no, mt_rand(1,10000) is not sufficient. I think your notion of 'medium-security' is not meaningful. – D.W. Apr 28 '12 at 20:44
  • @D.W. Oh, so what would be sufficient? Adding a date? Or using something else completely? –  Apr 28 '12 at 21:27
  • @Ozzy, hmm, I thought I covered this already in my answer, my apologies if this was somehow unclear. The short answer is: use /dev/urandom, or some other cryptographically strong PRNG. A date is not a cryptographically strong PRNG and is not a suitable replacement for reading from /dev/urandom. (By the way, make sure to use at least 64 bits of entropy from your cryptographically strong PRNG. 4 bits is not sufficient. 13 bits is not sufficient.) – D.W. Apr 28 '12 at 21:35
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    @CodeInChaos, HSTS was designed precisely to stop sslstrip-style attacks, and despite your doubts, it is a good defense. HSTS works by telling the browser to avoid making any HTTP connection to this site. Google for HTTP Strict Transport Security (or search on this site), and you should find plenty of material about it. If you have further questions about HSTS, I encourage you to ask a separate question on this site rather than adding to this comment thread. – D.W. Apr 29 '12 at 00:06