
Encrypted output:


Read all related posts, tried with Base64 decoders but didn't work.

Additional info

The output should be an Ethernet MAC address: 6 bytes, 48bits.

# fw_printenv | grep opq

kdS+yok8yWM= should be the first word(16 bit) of MAC address

zS0U62VvOPI= should be second word of MAC address

6C9zqH5bnu4= should be third word of MAC address

  • Where did you get this string from? Knowing that would probably help. – John Wu Jan 16 '17 at 00:41
  • is the output of a MAC address 48 bits, 6 bytes. 16bits:16bits:16bits i guess – Adrian Constantin Oprea Jan 16 '17 at 00:48
  • fw_printenv | grep opq


    – Adrian Constantin Oprea Jan 16 '17 at 00:55
  • cat /proc/cpuinfo

    Processor : ARM926EJ-S rev 1 (v5l) BogoMIPS : 1192.75 Features : swp half thumb fastmult edsp CPU implementer : 0x56 CPU architecture: 5TE CPU variant : 0x2 CPU part : 0x131 CPU revision : 1 Cache type : write-back Cache clean : cp15 c7 ops Cache lockdown : format C Cache format : Harvard I size : 16384 I assoc : 4 I line length : 32 I sets : 128 D size : 16384 D assoc : 4 D line length : 32 D sets : 128

    – Adrian Constantin Oprea Jan 16 '17 at 00:56
  • cat /proc/version

    Linux version (gcc version 4.2.0 20070413 (prerelease)) #1 Sun Aug 7 07:41:37 IDT 2016

    – Adrian Constantin Oprea Jan 16 '17 at 00:56
  • 1
    @AdrianConstantinOprea Is the answer below not enough or why are you still extending the question? (Oh, now it's gone...) – deviantfan Jan 16 '17 at 01:05

2 Answers2


Your output contains three colon-separated strings which are valid base64 sequences.

You shouldn't assume that base64-decoded data is always in the printable ASCII range since you can encode arbitrary binary. Here is the output:

00000000: 91d4 beca 893c c963                      .....<.c

00000000: cd2d 14eb 656f 38f2                      .-..eo8.

00000000: e82f 73a8 7e5b 9eee                      ./s.~[..

That doesn't match the format of a single MAC address (48 bit) because each of the three segments has a length of 8 bytes (64 bit).

  • 44,770
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It was that mgmt_opq=kdS+yok8yWM=:zS0U62VvOPI=:6C9zqH5bnu4= it is a key (opaque format) used by the vendor to register the specified device to a server database.

Opaque data type:


  • 129,372
  • 55
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  • So it was no MAC address after all, like you said before Sigh. And I don't get what part about a key/serial is an unknown format. Raw encryption keys or pseudorandom serial data are not supposed to have some human-readable format. – deviantfan Jan 16 '17 at 14:34
  • @deviantfan Youre right. They call this key "Opaque MAC". – Adrian Constantin Oprea Jan 17 '17 at 00:43