Viewed 467 times
4Please have a look at all the similar questions, like How to determine what type of encoding/encryption has been used?. The answer is really trivial if you would care to dig a bit deeper. Hint: it's not encrypted at all but only encoded. – Steffen Ullrich Mar 10 '17 at 16:57
1 Answers
Your text is encoded into Base64, I decoded it and it appears to be in another language. I used: Link to decode it.
Afin de vous inscrire au TP de la journee du 11/03 a l'ISSAT, voici ce qu'il faut faire
1- Codez votre nom/prenom en Base64.
2- Envoyez un email a l adresse suivante : helmi.rais@gmail.com
Titre : Inscription au TP Securite Corps : nom/prenom codes en Base64
PS1 : Le TP sera assure pour 20 participants uniquement
PS2 : Gardez le secret :)