Ok, so this is a very basic cryptography question. I have captured a message from an Android app to a server. I believe this app may be stealing information from the phone it is on so I'm running it in a sandbox. Interestingly enough it looks like the application exports the key along with the encrypted blob. So I was wondering if there was any software I can put the encrypted blob in and it can try to decrypt it with all popular encryption methods. I have tried to decrypt using a couple decryption schemes.. but it would be pretty time consuming to try everything out there manually.
Here's the encrypted blob if anyone wants to take a crack at it. All the info on the sandboxed phone is fake info so don't worry about exposing my personal info if you post what's in it.
*Note, the data seems to be base64 encoded then encrypted. Obviously the double backslashes need to be stripped out then base64 decoded. Then the correct decryption needs to be used to get the data I believe.
*Note, There are a couple of questions out there on already that have to do with password storage, but this is different. Most passwords are stored in a hash, I am asking about an encryption.
Also, please don't tell me it is base64 encoded.. I'm aware. The best way to represent encrypted information is in a base64 encoding. So in order to decrypt something like this you need to base64 decode then decrypt :)
as a simply XOR to thedata
and thus it will successfully "decrypt". You can also usemd5(key)
instead and then XOR, still successful. This means - as long as you don't have any way to validate the result of the decryption practically any made up algorithm could be used for "successful decryption". Thus while it might not be a duplicate it cannot be answered. – Steffen Ullrich Jul 14 '17 at 16:15