For example, a password consisting only of lower-case characters [a-z], but a length of 10 (26^10), will always be better than all characters, but a length of 7 (95^7).

That is, how much is it correct to take into account only the number of combinations?

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2 Answers2


Better for what? Better for memorizing? Better for storage? Better for resistance against brute-forcing? Better for entering speed?

If by "better" you mean resistance to brute-forcing, then the answer depends on entropy. If passwords are generated randomly, means, if the probability of every password is the same, then the 1st approach gives ~2 times more combinations, in other words it has ~2 times higher entropy, and an attacker would need ~2 times more resources to brute-force it.

If passwords are generated not randomly, but by humans, the answer may differ.

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The variety of characters in a password directly corresponds to the password's entropy. The more entropy, the harder the password is to crack. We measure entropy in powers of two.

A ten-character all-lowercase password has an entropy of log₂(26¹⁰) = 47. A seven-character password composed of random printable characters is log₂(94⁷) = 45. As you've correctly surmised, optimal password length is dictated by the password requirements. However, one must also note that password requirements both enforce and limit entropy.

A policy that implements a minimum length of 12 characters will have a majority of users that select codes of mixed lowercase letters and numbers. That would be an entropy of roughly log₂(26¹¹×10¹) = 55.0. You want at least 90, so that's insufficient.

A policy that requires 12 characters including an uppercase letter and a special character will at least force that floor to triple its iterations, increasing the entropy by 1.7: log₂(26¹⁰×26¹×32) = 56.7 (probably more like 62.3, but I'm ignoring location for simplicity; it's always best to low-ball your calculation rather than risk over-estimating it).

If you're using a random generator, the strength is much more robust but the requirements get in the way: log₂(94¹²) = 78.6 vs log₂(94¹⁰×26¹×32¹) = 75.2. Of course, if you're using a generator, you're hopefully also using a password manager and therefore length doesn't matter. Make the code longer and the requirements get diluted.

Did you notice? 12 character passwords aren't strong enough! Lock your password manager with a passphrase of randomly selected words, one of which is a password (more detail on this scheme). Memorize just that. Everything else should be a generated code of 16+ characters (around log₂(94¹³×26¹×10¹×32¹) = 98).

See also related question Why use random characters in passwords?

Adam Katz
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  • "You want at least 90, so that's insufficient." Where are you pulling this requirement from? – hft May 16 '22 at 17:55
  • @hft – It's a rule of thumb that differs by the expert. Here is a recommendation for 128 bits for example. I calculated in 2015 that it would take a single node about 12y to break a password with entropy 70 (assuming a salted md5 hash). With a twelve-node cluster for cracking, that's just one year (far less nowadays). – Adam Katz May 16 '22 at 18:15
  • My calculations are more worst-case than most because I expect hardware upgrades every 18 months that double the attack rate (Moore's Law). That limits contradictory calculations like these from Hive Systems, in which the crack time goes from "34k years" to "3k years" in the span of a year (for a 12-char max-complexity pw). My calculation's cited 23B/s cracking speed used a Radeon HD 6990 (2010-12-15), which projects to 82B/s on Hive's GeForce RTX 3090 (2020-09-24), not far from their 69B/s (and erring in the right direction). – Adam Katz May 16 '22 at 18:58
  • Ok, just curious because you seem to be using this as a basis for your later emphatic statement that "12 character passwords aren't strong enough." But, it seems to me this is a very context-dependent statement. So I'm more curious about the domain of applicability. And also can't help but want to insert a caveat that there is no absolute rule governing password length in all situations. – hft May 16 '22 at 19:51