i have a file and i want to edit it to do some changes but i think the file is encrypted anybody knows the encryption method? thanks

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  • 3
    What makes you even think this is encryption? This looks like a ELF binary to me, i.e. an executable Linux program. – Steffen Ullrich Jan 04 '23 at 09:07
  • so why there is no .elf extension on file and i can't open it with dolphin emu? – devlearner Jan 04 '23 at 09:27
  • "so why there is no .elf extension on file" - that's not how things work. Linux binaries typically don't have any extension. But this is actually about a general understanding how things work and not about information security, i.e. off-topic. – Steffen Ullrich Jan 04 '23 at 10:39

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