I'm afraid I'll have tomatoes thrown at me for asking this old question, but here goes.
After reading that cooking up your own password hash out of existing hashing functions is dangerous over and over again I still don't understand the logic. Here are some examples:
md5(md5(salt) + bcrypt(password))
scrypt(bcrypt(password + salt))
sha1(md5(scrypt(password + md5(salt))))
The typical arguments against these go as follows:
You're not a cryptographer! You've got no idea if these hashes are more secure. Leave it to the experts who know what they're doing. These add no extra security.
Granted they don't improve the function as a hash (i.e. make it harder to reverse or find collisions etc.), but surely surely they don't make it worse as a hash? If they did then hackers would be able to re-hash standardly hashed passwords into these wacky hashes as they see fit and weaken the hash? I don't buy it.
Second argument:
Kerckoffs's principle: A cryptosystem should be secure even if everything about the system is known.
Agreed. This is basically the motivation for not storing your passwords as plaintext in the first place. But if my response to the first criticism stands then these wacky hashes still function as secure hashes, and our system doesn't break Kerckoffs's principle anymore than it would with a standard hash.
Here are two possible (and worthwhile, as far as I can see) advantages to using a "wacky" hash over a normal hash:
- Sure, your system should be secure if the attacker has the source code, but it's a very likely possibility that your attacker wont have access to your source code and probably won't be able to guess your wacky hash, making any attempt at a brute force impossible.
- (This one is the real motivation behind me asking this question)
is thought to be secure, hard for the CPU and GPU (great) but can be very fast with specialized hardware.SCrypt
is said to be hard to bruteforce on CPUs, GPUs and currently available specialized hardward but is more recent and not trusted by the cryptographic community as much as BCrypt due to the lack of exposure it's had. But doesn't the hashBCrypt(SCrypt(password + salt))
get the best of both worlds?
I appreciate that the passion/anger behind most rants against these home-brewed hashes comes from the average programmer's lack of knowledge of what makes a good hash, and a worry that encouraging this sort of wacky-hashing will inevitably end up with weak and useless hashes getting into production code. But If the wacky hash is carefully constructed out of solid and trusted hashes, are the gains in security not very valuable and real?
I got a bunch of good answers on this, thanks. What I seemed to be overlooking in my assumptions was that, although combining hashes can't make it easier to crack the original password and therefore crack the constituent hashes, the combination of two or more secure hashes can - at least in principle - be weaker than any one of its inner hashes due to the unstudied and complex interactions between them. Meaning it could be possible to find some string that got past the wacky hash without necessarily breaking the hashes that made it up.
after each hash? sure benefits are unknown but it certainly doesn't make it less secure :) – Sedat Kapanoglu Apr 02 '13 at 10:55