I made a login system. The user can login by:
- using a normal email / password (bcrypted).
- using a service like facebook, gmail, etc.
So far so good. Now I want to store sensitive information (ftp credentials) in the database in a secure manner. This is very easy for the first users: when the user logs in with their email/password, the password gets hashed with one (default) salt to check for authentication, and with another salt to obtain a strong hash X.
Then I use this hash X as a password to encrypt the sensitive data that the user wants to store. In this way, full access to the code and database does NOT compromise the user's data. *
Is there a way I can achieve a similar security level for the users that log in with a service that inherently have no password to begin with? Highly recommended to be a server-side hassle and not adding extra complexity for the user. These are all the options I can see with their problems:
Require for every user, even Facebook/Gmail/etc, to write and remember a password. This is agains the principle that made me integrate those services in the first place.
Use a server-side, site-wide unique encryption password. I want to protect against full access to the code and database, so no one (including developers/admins/etc) can peak into this private data.
Use some user-specific data. This would be the user Facebook's id, for example. It could be retrieved by simply doing a search for their email in fb, thus not secure.
works. – Francisco Presencia Jan 10 '14 at 21:51