Right now, we might do something like password varchar(72), when defining a password column, with for example BCrypt. But there's a lot of folks that don't do this very effectively. Maybe they just put the plaintext, or a single unsalted md5 hash, or some other terrible strategy.

But virtually all these offenders still use databases. So why isn't this kind of functionality baked into databases? Something like mypass password('BCrypt:10'), and accessed like INSERT INTO people(name, mypass, other_data) VALUES(?, ?, ?) which would take the plaintext password from the user and pass it to the table. But the table would store the appropriate BCrypt hash value. Then, we could do something like SELECT other_data FROM people WHERE name = ? AND mypass = ? - this again would take the plaintext from the user logging in, but load the salt and perform the analysis to determine of the the password was a success or not.

When it comes to storing data, we go with databases instead of flat files or what have you because they're reliable, tested, and simple (in comparison to rolling our own). Since it's clear that in the wild there are innumerable where password storage is unreliable and untested, why is this sort of data storage not undertaken by the database itself?

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4 Answers4


It would be possible but:

  • It's not standard SQL (it would have to become a feature, part of the product)
  • All processing power will be centralized on the database
  • Not all webapplications use SQL databases

You're just shifting the problem, 10 years ago it would have been acceptable to use MD5+salt. So your database would implement MD5+salt right? Alright 10 years later, you as a developer need to use password again hashing on database level, now the database supports bcrypt, but you still will use MD5+salt because it's what you know right?

Why does it still need to support MD5+salt you might ask? Simply because you are probably still using the same application. The migration to the new scheme will still require developer intevervention, it won't happen auto-magically.

Making it a feature to just use an automatic password hashing algorithm isn't possible because you will have implemented an older scheme for older applications. This would then require the database product to suddenly implement an auto-migration feature. This is complex to implement.

So you can see, the problem shifts from it being a developer issue to a database developer issue.

Lucas Kauffman
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  • Naturally, it would need to be standardized. Many things get standardized. * Processing power has to come from somewhere. If your database was so close to being over the top that this pushes it over, it was going to happen soon anyway. * No, not all. But a whole heck of a lot of them do. * Yes, but the same could be said for file storage in a database instead of the file system. We're shifting the problem to something seamless to the user.
  • – corsiKa Jun 26 '14 at 21:04
  • I'll update my answer – Lucas Kauffman Jun 26 '14 at 21:07
  • The only serious issue I can see is point 2 where you would be using processing power on a dedicate db server rather than on your web server. I still don't see this as a show-stopper. Edit: I always speak too fast. Another issue is that you'd be carrying passwords around from your Web server to your db server, this might be an issue for you if the Web server is ok but not the db one. – Steve Dodier-Lazaro Jun 26 '14 at 21:12
  • When it comes to migrating passwords, actually having the db handle this would dramatically simplify migrations. If you have a field that is still md5'd, next time the user successfully reconnects you can update it to bcrypt from within the db. – Steve Dodier-Lazaro Jun 26 '14 at 21:13
  • I had considered the problem of updating, and I don't think it would be a big problem, really. You could simply ALTER the column to support a new scheme, say BCrypt:12 after you feel that 10 is too low, or SCrypt because a flaw was found in BCrypt or something. After a period of transition to let users who log in against the old hash get their new hash in the database, you remove the old hash from being allowed; other users will have to perform a password reset. – corsiKa Jun 26 '14 at 21:14
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    No that's the wrong way to do it. You should never do it that way. The only correct way to migrate password is keeping a boolean value next to the password to see if it has been updated or not. All passwords should immediately be re-hashed using the other algorithm so scrypt(bcrypt(password)). Otherwise you might keep the old passwords around for 10 years. After a user logs in the password can then be changed again to just use scrypt(password) and the boolean can be set so you know you can just use scrypt instead of scrypt(bcrypt(password)) – Lucas Kauffman Jun 26 '14 at 21:16
  • You must not have read the last sentence that said you remove the old hash after a transition period, forcing users who didn't transition to do a password reset. You know, the same kind of problem you have performing this kind of switch when it's managed by an application instead of the database. – corsiKa Jun 26 '14 at 21:19
  • Just for the sake of arguing, in most legal systems you are required to delete customer data within 1 or 2 years of them not using the service any more, so if you're keeping an unused account for 10 years you're probably doing something illegal. :) – Steve Dodier-Lazaro Jun 26 '14 at 21:19
  • @corsiKa your scheme means legacy users won't be able to log in anymore, my scheme effectively secures the hash and still allows for users to log in, even after 5 years. – Lucas Kauffman Jun 26 '14 at 21:21
  • @SteveDL That would require you to be a "customer" in the first place ;). Whatabout Facebook? Gmail? Linkedin? I also highly doubt that china has such good protection laws and they account for close 1/6th of the people on earth. – Lucas Kauffman Jun 26 '14 at 21:24
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    Anyway if we want to discuss things let's take it to the chatroom as this is getting a bit out of control :) – Lucas Kauffman Jun 26 '14 at 21:25
  • In your scheme, if I went from bcrypt10(password) to bcrypt15(bcrypt10(password)) to scrypt(bcrypt15(bcrypt10(password))) and I had someone who logged in last on bcrypt10 (the 5 years guy) and another who last logged in on bcrypt15 (the last week guy) then a boolean value isn't sufficient. But I agree that it's an implementation detail that is only a minor part of the larger overarching question and would be better served in chat. – corsiKa Jun 26 '14 at 21:26
  • Like I said take it to the chatroom :) – Lucas Kauffman Jun 26 '14 at 21:27