
I'm trying to discover what type of encryption was used to generate this strings:


Running Base 64 decoding, the result appears to be meaningless.

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1 Answers1


This is Base64 encoded data. Essentially it's a way to encode binary data into printable ASCII. You will often see this when encoding hashes or authentication tokens via HTTP.

There are lots of online Base64 decoders. OpinionatedGeek has an easy one to use. For your set of data you'll want to decode each line individually. Here is an example of the binary result from Qo94v0JpPaL59LS6U3xfEB4nVgc=

00000000   42 8F 78 BF  42 69 3D A2  F9 F4 B4 BA  53 7C 5F 10  B.x.Bi=.....S|_.
00000010   1E 27 56 07                                         .'V.

It's a 20 byte value, could be a SHA1 hash. By this I mean the end result of some password hashing scheme that uses SHA1. This could be a salted hash, keyed HMAC, or performed multiple iterations over ALGAR123. It's also possible that they performed an MD5 on the password first then performed a SHA1. Here's a nice answer about secure password hashing.

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  • What is 20 bytes long? The binary result has 27. – elias Oct 29 '14 at 13:52
  • The value Qo94v0JpPaL59LS6U3xfEB4nVgc= decoded is 20 bytes long. It is shown in my answer. Each line decoded will most likely be 20 bytes. – RoraΖ Oct 29 '14 at 13:55
  • Running SHA1 on ALGAR123 should be equals to the last hash base 64 decoded, right? – elias Oct 29 '14 at 14:11
  • Depends on if its salted, if it's an HMAC, it could be hashed 10000 times with SHA1. They would all result in a 20 byte hash. – RoraΖ Oct 29 '14 at 14:18