Questions tagged [banks]

Use for questions about security practices used by banks and other financial institutions.

231 questions
4 answers

Offline brute-forcing of a bank card PIN

I may be neglecting a crucial fact here, but putting the following together leads me to believe it is dead-easy to determine a bank card's PIN using the most basic hardware available to everyone (I speak for my country in what follows): Each bank…
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In the Netherlands, is there danger in my name and bank account number being public?

I know of the question Bank account number and account holder in check exposed? , but the answers to it are quite US-specific (checks and such) and I live in the Netherlands. Dutch banks are introducing Contactless payment on a wide scale; all…
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UK online bank card reader identification entropy

In the UK it's common to use a smart card and reader to log in to online banking. You insert the card, enter the PIN and get back an 8-digit code from the reader to enter into the online bank website. Note that it's not seeded in anyway from the…
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How secure is telephone banking?

The fallback for my online banking login at multiple banks is telephone banking. On the phone I can make payments, but I can also reset passwords, and several other critical security functions. Usually they authenticate me by asking relatively…
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Do card issuers give merchants new expiry dates for recurring payments?

Recently I got an email from, let's say, “Company X” saying: some banks provide updated expiration dates for automatically renewing subscriptions I find it really hard to imagine that my bank would go around giving out my updated expiration date…
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What protections are put in place to prevent ACH scams?

ACH (Automated Clearing House) is an electronic network for financial transactions in the United States. ACH is used by financial institutions to handle direct deposits, checks, bill payments and cash transfers between businesses and…
Digital fire
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Is it really risky to make your IBAN public?

I have already asked this question on "Personal finance & Money", but probably it wasn't the right community. It seems that people are reluctant to give their IBAN to strangers. I saw someone downvoting an app only because it shows the IBAN in clear…
Marco Altieri
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2 answers

What can I do as a user to minimize the risk of online banking?

My bank uses a security system based on a card reader for online banking. The card is the same as used for ATMs and payment in shops. There are several known attacks on this system, for example as descibed here and here. I do not have detailed…
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Linking to a bank account: login credentials vs. routing information

Venmo wants the login credentials to my bank to link to my bank account. Giving my bank password to another party feels very wrong and is not something I am inclined to do. However, after thinking about it, I'm not sure that the more traditional…
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1 answer

Is it safe to keep image of cleared check?

I am developing an online banking site. Is it advisable to build a feature that allow user to download and save an image of their cleared checks on their computer? Is there any risk to user who download and save check image on their computer?
0 answers

Do inter-bank transactions guarantee that the amount of money is preserved? How?

I recently transfered money between two of my bank accounts in the same bank, using the e-banking interface, and, once I approved the transfer the website announced having "successfully transfered 0$". Turned out it was a bug somewhere in the…
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1 answer

Potential damage of someone getting your online banking password

Does anyone have thoughts on the potential damage of your online banking account being hacked? I'm not sure what a person could actually do since I think they could really only pay my bills (adding a new payee would require additional security…
Clue Face
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2 answers

Is it safe to install Anaconda/Spyder/Python on laptop with netbanking?

I am new to learning Python and I am using a laptop for netbanking etc. Is it safe to use the same laptop for netbanking and installing packages like Anaconda/Spyder/Python on the same laptop?
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1 answer

Is it safe to dial sensitive information into a telephone keypad?

I had a banking issue this past week. When I telephoned my bank, the automated system asked me to dial several digits of my bank card and the password that allows me to access my online banking system. It occurred to me while making those calls that…
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International bank transfer, what is safe to share?

Okay, so I am selling a smartphone, to the guy who lives in UK, or that is what he says. So for the money transfer he asks me these things. Name Bank Name Account Number Iban Swift Code. Is it okay to give them to him, BTW I live in the Latvia, and…
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