Questions tagged [public-key-infrastructure]

A public-key infrastructure (PKI) is a set of hardware, software, people, policies, and procedures needed to create, manage, distribute, use, store, and revoke digital certificates. In cryptography, a PKI is an arrangement that binds public keys with respective user identities by means of a certificate authority (CA). There are three main categories of PKI: Web / SSL certs, corporate networks, and Government ID / ePassport.


The term "public-key infrastructure (PKI)" is an umbrella term to cover many different aspects of the backbone that underpins the system of digital certificates issued by a Certificate Authority. The term PKI contrasts with , which is a competing system for establishing the trusted identity of a key holder.

Here at, we accept questions on all aspects of PKI, from conceptual overview, to software implementation, to practical concerns, to organizational policies.


As its most basic, a PKI is a single certificate authority - a public/private key pair included in a self-signed root certificate, which it uses to sign certificates for end-users; and the clients which consume those certificates.

In practice, real-world deployments of PKIs use several layer of CAs for both security and organizational reasons.

CA heirarchy in a PKI (image credit: "Working with Active Directory Certificate Service via C#"

Data Format Standards

Generally speaking all certificates use the standard for the data format, though the Extended Access Control (EAC) format is used for certificates embedded in the chips of electronic passports.


In addition to the technical requirements of having a self-signed root cert, a Certificate Authority needs to follow a number of strict operational and auditing standards in order to be included in the list of publicly trusted root CAs. For example, here are the lists of root CAs trusted by iOS and Firefox.

The rules of conduct for CAs is maintained by the CA/Browser Forum (CAB). According to wikipedia/CA/Browser_Forum, the CA/Browser forum is:

is a voluntary consortium of certification authorities, vendors of Internet browser software, operating systems, and other PKI-enabled applications that promulgates industry guidelines governing the issuance and management of X.509 v.3 digital certificates that chain to a trust anchor embedded in such applications.

1354 questions
4 answers

Can I add a password to an existing private key?

Say I have previously created a private/public key combination, and decided at the time to not protect the private key with a password. If I later decide to "beef up" security and use a password-protected private key instead, would I need to…
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4 answers

Can I sign a single character message with the RSA private key?

If I sign a very short message (0 or 1) with my private key (and the receiving side verifies the signature using public key), is this less secure than to send the sufficiently long signed message?
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9 answers

Why is a public key called a key - isn't it a lock?

I'm totally confused by the public key and private key terms. From my understanding, the "public key" is used for encrypting data, it's more like a lock which can lock something in and only the "private key" (key owner) can unlock it. So why call it…
Aaron Shen
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2 answers

Is the use of DSA keys a security risk?

According to the answers on this question the differences between RSA and DSA would seem to be trivial. However, according to this page DSA compromises your security if anyone is sniffing your packets when you use the key. And according to this…
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2 answers

Can a powerful adversary trick ACME to generate a certificate?

As per the recent MITM attack: The attacker has issued several new TLS certificates using Let’s Encrypt service which were used to hijack encrypted STARTTLS connections on port 5222 using transparent MiTM proxy. My understanding is that…
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2 answers

Can a RootCA be revoked?

I have created a New Trusted certification authority which issues certificate to the end entity and the end entity will use this certificate as trusted one for all their PKI operations. Some how the Root CA Key got compromised. Now my question here…
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2 answers

Impact of Root certificate Renewal

I have generated a good number of leaf certificates with my root CA but now it(Root) has expired. Even though leaf certificates have a longer expiry date than root CA, they also expired due to expiration of Root CA. Do leaf certificates will still…
Prudhvi Raj
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1 answer

What are the use-cases for Hashicorp Vault PKI?

Hashicorp Vault has facility to auto generate server/client cert for authentication. While it makes sense from certificate management point of view, I am having difficulty seeing the actual use…
Sleeper Smith
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2 answers

How to implement a Web of Trust?

How to implement a Web of Trust, or something similar? Alice get a public and a private key from the RSA guy. Bob need to send to Alice a nuclear secret code (or his babysiter's phone number). Bob ask for Alice's public key on the server, but the…
2 answers

Extend hierarchical PKI

The figure below shows four simple hierarchical PKIs. A, R, H and N are trust anchors of their PKI. I am supposed to add exactly one certificate so that T trusts G, but not D. Furthermore R must not trust P. First I thought to let C certify G, but…
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7 answers

multiple private keys for single public key

I am currently working in security in mobile ad-hoc networks I have several clusters, and I want from the cluster head to send some data encrypted with its public key ,to the cluster members. I assume that each member has its own private key so it…
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2 answers

Does an alternative approach to PKI technology exist?

Currently all of the network is using PKI standards and we are facing many problems. I don't mean every time and if new technologies arise we will also have to face the same, but for my curiosity. Are there any alternative technologies available…
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1 answer

Suggestions on easy distribution/installation of self signed certificates & roots to mobile devices

Suggestions on easy distribution/installation of self signed certificates & roots to mobile devices I am a developer at a government agency in a developing country that has a web application with a number of web-forms for data entry through which…
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2 answers

PKI cards - PIN and certificates

My company has introduced a PKI some months ago. We are now able to login in our laptops either with our Windows credentials or with a PKI smart card plus a 6 digits numeric PIN. A part from that we can also encrypt and sign e-mails too. My…
1 answer

What are the best practices for RSA-based security?

I'm building a platform with a strong security. Security is based on encrypting data with AES-256 encryption. Yet the system needs to "share" these keys among the users and they need to be transferred in an encrypted way too. In order to do this,…
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