Questions tagged [scrypt]

Scrypt is a recent key derivation function designed for password storage. It aims to improve on earlier similar functions such as PBKDF2 and bcrypt by requiring significant amounts of memory in addition to computation time.

Scrypt is a key derivation function that is designed to require significant processing time and memory. It is designed to improve on earlier KDF such as and by requiring more memory which is typically not a problem on typical servers and PCs but expensive on special-purpose ASIC that attackers may use to brute-force a KDF to crack password hashes. Scrypt is still recent and not widely used.

Further reading

61 questions
1 answer

How to interpret the scrypt vs bcrypt vs pbkdf2 comparison table?

You are probably familiar with this table: The source of the table is this here This table is 10+ years old. Is this still valid with current technology? Wikipedia says that since 2014 there is ASIC equipment used for crypto-currencies. Do they…
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2 answers

Has scrypt been broken, finally?

If I understand correctly, according to this:, looks like the attacker can just create an optimimized version of scrypt that produce the same ouput with extremely high effiency (e.g.…
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1 answer

Basic scrypt question

Suppose we throw a regular password into scrypt to generate some data. Scrypt allows us to specify how large the output data should be. My question is, to take an extreme case, if we ask for a 1 GB data from scrypt, would it be possible somehow…
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1 answer

How are SCrypt's memory-hard requirements substituted with more CPU?

I've implemented scrypt with two separate APIs and in both there existed no settings providing a way to substitute CPU for memory. Both were locked one-to-one with rounds and memory. However in answers from field experts it seems to be understood…
Andrew Hoffman
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