Questions tagged [wps]

WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) is a protocol that attempts to allow easy establishment of a secure wireless home network.

49 questions
2 answers

Why was WPS not patched to make it secure?

A flaw in WPS is that you can crack each half of the 8 numerical digits independently (2x 4 numerical digits are much easier than 1x 8 numerical digits). However, since the flaw was discovered, why not apply a patch and only send a response if and…
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2 answers

How visible is a WPS attack with reaver?

I have been trying to find an answer to this but the search terms seem to be to ambiguous. I am attempting to determine from a strategic standpoint how intelligent it is to use reaver. From a speed standpoint it seems to be infinitely quicker than…
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0 answers

Why would the WPS PIN be separated into two halves?

While preparing for the CompTIA Security+ certification, I learned that a problem with the 8-digit WPS PIN is that checking is split into two sets of 4-digits, and also that the last digit is a check digit so it's really one 4-digit number and one…
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1 answer

Why is it not possible to capture a WPS handshake to WLAN

There are well known attacks to WPA by capturing handshake and running offline hashcracking against it. Also there are tools to exploit vulnerability in WPS to get the PIN. My question is why WPS handshake (if it is called handshake) cannot be…
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1 answer

How do we know the AuthKey in Pixie Dust attack?

I've been reading about the Pixie Dust attack from various sources, that provide a low-level explanation of how it works. In the values E-Hash1 = HMAC(AuthKey, E-S1 || PSK1 || PKE || PKR) and E-Hash2 = HMAC(AuthKey, E-S2 || PSK2 || PKE || PKR) PKE…