Spanish alphabet

The modern Spanish alphabet uses the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet plus ñ ("eñe", n with a tilde on top), which is a total of 27 letters.


Although not considered separate letters of the alphabet, some letters may have diacritics.

All five vowels may have an acute accent (á, é, í, ó, ú) to indicate that a syllable is stressed. For example, the word árbol ("tree") is pronounced "AHR-bohl" (not "ahr-BOHL"). It is also used in writing to distinguish homophones (words that sound the same but mean different things), such as the words si ("if") and ("yes"), both pronounced "see".

Also, the letter u may have diaeresis (ü) to indicate that the u is pronounced. For example, the word pingüino ("penguin") is pronounced "peen-GWEE-noh" (not "peen-GUEE-noh").


Uppercase (capital) letter Lowercase letter Name Notes
A a a
B b be grande (in Spain "be")
C c ce before e or i, it's pronounced like English "s"
D d de
E e e
F f efe
G g ge
H h hache silent except in loanwords
I i i
J j jota
K k ka only used in loanwords
L l ele two l's together (ll) makes the "y" sound
M m eme
N n ene
Ñ ñ eñe pronounced like "enye"
O o o
P p pe
Q q cu
R r erre one r makes a tap sound (like in "better" in English), but two r's together (rr) makes the trilled/rolled r sound
S s ese
T t te
U u u
V v ve chica (in Spain "uve")
W w ve doble only used in loanwords
X x equis
Y y y griega
Z z zeta pronounced like English "s"
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