Spanish language

     Countries where Spanish has official status.      Countries and U.S. states where Spanish has no official status but is spoken by 25% or more of the population.      Countries and U.S. states where Spanish has no official status but is spoken by 10–20% of the population.      Countries and U.S. states where Spanish has no official status but is spoken by 5–9.9% of the population.

Spanish or Castilian (Spanish: español or castellano) is a language. It's one of the most spoken languages in the world (with English and Chinese).

It came from Latin and is considered a Romance language.

The Spanish alphabet uses 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, with the addition of ñ "eñe", for a total of 27 letters. In Spanish, the acute accent (´) is sometimes used with vowels (á, é, í, ó, ú).

Vocabulary guide


English Spanish Pronunciation
one uno OO-noh
two dos DOHS
three tres TRES
four cuatro KWAH-troh
five cinco SEEN-koh
six seis SAYS
seven siete SYE-teh
eight ocho OH-choh
nine nueve NWE-be
ten diez DYES


English Spanish Pronunciation
Hello. Hola. OH-lah
What is your name? ¿Como te llamas? (literally "What are you called?") KOH-moh te YAH-mahs
My name is... Me llamo... (literally "I'm called...") meh YAH-moh


English Spanish Pronunciation
white blanco BLAHN-koh
red rojo ROH-hoh
blue azul ah-SOOL
green verde VERR-deh
brown marrón mah-ROHN
yellow amarillo ah-mah-REE-yoh
black negro NE-groh

Days of the week

English Spanish Pronunciation
Sunday domingo doh-MEEN-goh
Monday lunes LOO-nes
Tuesday martes MAR-tes
Wednesday miércoles MYERR-koh-les
Thursday jueves HWEH-vehs
Friday viernes VYER-nehs
Saturday sábado SAH-bah-doh
This language has its own Vikidia project.
See the Spanish edition.
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