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Please read Wikibooks:Guidelines for class projects. This page is a listing of all class and group projects that are using wikibooks to collaboratively write textbooks and instructional materials.
Note that old projects have been moved to Archives. No data has been deleted and you should be able to find your project in its original location.


/Archive 1

We ask that all new class projects include the following information:
  1. Subject The basic subject of your book, such as "Physiology", or "Algebra"
  2. Wikibook The title of your book, such as Human Physiology, or Algebra.
  3. Educational Setting The type of class or group editing the book. Such as a highschool class, or a seniors group
  4. Dates The timeframe for the project. Classes typically are only in session for a finite amount of time.
  5. Moderator The username of the group leader here on wikibooks. Every group should have a leader (classes, for instance, have a teacher).
  6. Comments Additional comments about the book, requests for specific types of help, etc.

Paramedic Education:

  • Book Title: "Strategies for Success in Paramedic School"
  • Instructional Level: Collegiate
  • Date of initial Development: 10/2014-1/30/2016
  • Moderator: pjohnson181

The goal of this book is to provide a constantly updating resource for students enrolled in Paramedic education and most specifically for those enrolled in New River Community and Technical College's Paramedic Program: Instructor - Paula Johnson

Perspectives in Digital Culture

1. Subject Digital Cultures

2. Wikibook Perspectives in Digital Culture

3. Educational Setting Undergraduate Module FMSU9A4, University of Stirling

4. Dates February and March 2015

5. Moderator GregXenon01 (discuss • contribs)

6. Comments Users are new to Wikipedia and related projects. Part of an Educational Assignment. Students will be working in groups of 6 towards individual and group assessment. The aim of this assessment is to get students working at different levels - as individual researchers, as research teams, and as research communities. That is to say: producing knowledge; collaboration and sharing; and peer-reviewing the work of others for the good of the community. Each group will work on a chosen theme, integrating their independent research with (fully cited) lecture materials and independent study. Hopkinson28 (discuss • contribs) 14:25, 10 February 2015 (UTC)

Educational psychology

  • Title: Cognition and Instruction
  • Educational setting: Undergraduate university class
  • Dates: September 2015 to December 2015
  • Moderator: Nesbit

An Internet of Everything?

1. Subject Digital Cultures

2. Wikibook Perspectives in Digital Culture

3. Educational Setting Undergraduate Module FMSU9A4, Spring 2016 University of Stirling

4. Dates February and March 2016

5. Moderator GregXenon01 (discuss • contribs)

6. Comments Users are new to Wikipedia and related projects. Part of an Educational Assignment. Students will be working in groups of 5 towards individual and group assessment. The aim of this assessment is to get students working at different levels - as individual researchers, as research teams, and as research communities. That is to say: producing knowledge; collaboration and sharing; and peer-reviewing the work of others for the good of the community. Each group will work on a chosen theme, integrating their independent research with (fully cited) lecture materials and independent study.


1. Subject Rhetoric

2. Wikibooks The Study of Rhetoric

3. Educational Setting Undergraduate ENGL208, Fall 2016 Saint Xavier University

4. Dates September - November 2016

5. Moderator KaiserLee (discuss • contribs)

6. Comments Each student will work on a chosen rhetorical term, and will compile their independent research with fully cited entries. The class will collaborate on the introductory essay, "What is Rhetoric?" (tentative title). Textbook on the study of rhetoric, with an emphasis on the Western tradition of rhetoric.


Human Memory

  • Wikibook: Human Memory: A User's Manual
  • Instructional Level: Collegiate
  • Date of initial Development: November 2016 - May 2017
  • Moderator: apsUH
  • Comments: The goal of this project is to offer reading material and useful links to students enrolled in the University of Hawaii's Psychology 429 Course, "Human Memory: A User's Manual": Instructor - Art Shimamura

Open and Distance Education:

  • Book Title: Open and Distance Education
  • Instructional Level: Graduate Level
  • Date of initial Development: 12/01/2017-2/21/2018
  • Moderator: Roberto Figueroa Jr

The goal of this book is to provide a constantly updating resource for students enrolled in Distance and eLearning most specifically in the International Christian University: Instructor - Insung Jung

Fall 2018 PBSC College Algebra

  • Subject: College Algebra
  • Wikibook: College Algebra by Fall 2018 PBSC CA Students
  • Educational Setting: This book is to be written as a group by students in my College Algebra class this upcoming Fall semester.
  • Dates The timeframe for the project: Aug to Dec 2018
  • Moderator: Anuragkatyal
  • Comments This is a group project for the Fall 2018 College Algebra course at Palm Beach State College taught by me, Anurag Katyal.

Perspectives of Aquatic Toxicology

  • Subject: Aquatic Toxicology
  • Wikibook: Perspectives of Aquatic Toxicology
  • Educational Setting: Aquatic Toxicology A ECL 444/ 544X TOX 444/ 544X Course , Iowa State University
  • Dates: February 2019 - June 2020
  • Moderator: Boris Jovanovic, Evrim Baran, Dana AlZoubi
  • Comments: This is a group project performed in Aquatic Toxicology course, taught by Dr Boris Jovanovic, at Iowa State University.

Social media and communication behavior

1. Subject: Computer-mediated Communication

2. Wikibook: Social media and communication behavior

3. Educational Setting: Undergraduate Module CNM4881a, Spring 2020 National University of Singapore

4. Dates: January - May 2020

5. Moderator: Kokil Jaidka

6. Comments: Users are students and are likely new to contributing to Wikipedia. They will work in groups towards assessments. The aim of the exercise is to produce knowledge and to teach the benefits of collaboration, sharing, and peer-review. Each group will contribute towards three themes in course of the semester, integrating their own readings with lecture materials. All information will be comprehensively cited and an up-to-date list of references will be maintained.

Sustainability and Sense of Place in the Sonoran Desert

  1. Subject: Interdisciplinary
  2. Title: Sustainability and Sense of Place in the Sonoran Desert.
  3. Setting: College level honors colloquium - Arizona Western College
  4. Dates: Spring 2020
  5. Moderator: Jacob Gibson
  6. Comments: This book compiles an ecological and cultural background of the Sonoran Desert to discover a sense of this iconic place. Editorial help and subject help both appreciated!

Information Technology and Ethics

  1. Subject: Information Technology and Ethics
  2. Wikibook: Information Technology and Ethics.
  3. Educational Setting: Illinois Institute of Technology university undergraduate and graduate students in Information Technology, Applied Cybersecurity, and Cybersecurity Engineering.
  4. Dates: The project repeats each Spring semester, January though May, and began in Spring of 2016. For Spring 2020, the project is due April 28th.
  5. Moderator: Ray Trygstad, Industry Professor of Information Technology and Management.
  6. Comments: Since 2016, the Legal and Ethical Issues in Information Technology course, ITMM 485/ITMM 585, at Illinois Institute of Technology has been working on improving this Wikibook by creating new chapters or improving existing chapters in this pre-existing book as a class project. If successful, this project will continue in coming semesters until the book is in an acceptable and useful state. Each chapter the class has worked on should be documented in the discussion page for that chapter. Please address any questions or suggestions to me at Ray Trygstad (discuss • contribs) 18:07, 31 January 2020 (UTC)

Call for Participation

As this is a subject taught at many institutions, everyone is welcome to join this project and we are willing to coordinate everyone's efforts. Please address inquiries to me at

Electronic Properties of Materials

This is part of a 15 week graduate course taught by Scott.beckman. Currently Prof. Beckman has 200+ pages of hand written notes and the students will be digitizing these as part of the course, spring 2020.

There are currently 3 sub-sections, each sub-section containing about 10-15 chapters.

The subsections are

  1. Quantum Mechanics for Engineers
  2. Band Theory of Solids
  3. Electronic Properties

At some point in the future, it would be desirable to add a fourth sub-section that focuses on Devices. This will not be possible during spring 2020.

Perspectives in Digital Literacy

1. Subject: Digital Literacy

2. Wikibook: Perspectives in Digital Literacy

3. Educational Setting: Composition undergraduates at LaGuardia Community College

4. Dates: Beginning December 2020 and continuing for the foreseeable future depending on the output of the classes. The course repeats every semester.

5. Moderator: Ximena Gallardo, a.k.a. Dr. X

6. Comments: Members of the project are probably new to Wikimedia projects and wikiwork, so there may be a learning curve, especially during this time of remote learning. Every semester a class will research a new sub-theme/section, e.g. misinformation.

Themes in Literature

1. Subject: Thematic literary analysis

2. Wikibook: Themes in Literature

3. Educational Setting: Composition undergraduates at LaGuardia Community College

4. Dates: Beginning December 2020 and continuing for the foreseeable future depending on the output of the classes. The course repeats every semester.

5. Moderator: Ximena Gallardo, a.k.a. Dr. X

6. Comments: Members of the project are probably new to Wikimedia projects and wikiwork, so there may be a learning curve, especially during this time of remote learning. Every semester a class will research a new sub-theme/section, e.g. "Isolation and Community" (this year's theme).

This article is issued from Wikibooks. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.