This article was co-authored by Stina Garbis and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Reverend Stina Garbis is a Psychic Astrologer and the Owner of Psychic Stina. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in providing personal and professional advice through astrology and tarot card readings. Reverend Stina has experience working with high-profile celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and CEOs. She has been featured in many publications, including Bustle, Vice, The New York Post, and Readers’ Digest and she also has a 200k+ following on TikTok. Stina holds an Ordained Minister License from The International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary.
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If you're an Aries woman who's got your heart set on a Leo man, get ready for some fireworks! You two Fire signs have passionate energy and a raw vitality that's sure to ignite when you get together. Sure, you might butt heads from time to time—but competition for you is foreplay. Read on to learn everything you need to know to rise above the crowd and stand side-by-side with the lively Lion of your dreams.
Shower him with compliments.
A Leo loves to be praised and adored. He's so motivated by this that nearly everything he does revolves around his potential to be admired as a result. Aries women are known for their directness, so you won't hesitate to tell him all the things you love about him. Of course, you enjoy compliments as well, and you'll get plenty of them from your generous Lion. You can be sure that he's into you if he compliments you frequently.
- Compliment his actions and behavior to really appeal to him—even better if you can mention the effect he had on others. For example, you might say, "You did such an amazing job of telling that story—everyone at dinner was hanging on your every word!"
- If he brags about you to his friends and shows you off to people, that's another indication that he's totally smitten.
Flaunt your trendy fashion sense.
Leos tend to be flashy dressers who stay on top of the latest fashion. Aries women are known for being the first to spot new trends and jump on them. If there's one man who will appreciate your effort to stay on the cutting edge of fashion, it's Leo. When he sees how fresh you always dress, he'll want to keep you by his side.
- Go for bright, bold, and regal colors to attract a Lion. A bright orange dress with chunky gold accessories will draw him in.
- On a cold day, a regal purple scarf that sets off your eyes will draw his attention to your face.
- Aries women are also known for having an accessory game that's on point—that bling is sure to win you favors where Leo is concerned. Anything that sparkles will always draw his eye.
Give him your undivided attention.
Leo men need to have the spotlight shining on them all the time. His ruling planet is the Sun, and like the Sun, he wants his universe to revolve around him. As a loyal and passionate Aries woman, you want to put him at the center of your world. You'll have no problem focusing on him when the two of you are together.
- The easiest way to do this is to put your phone on silent when you're with him and store it out of sight—in your pocket or purse. This tells him that anyone else who wants your attention can wait and he'll love that you're completely focused on him.
Tell him how you feel.
A Leo will appreciate it if you're direct about your feelings. As an Aries woman, you're naturally going to tell people how you feel about them—you're not going to hold back. You don't have to go overboard here, but your favorite Leo will definitely start looking at you differently if you tell him exactly what's on your mind.
- You might say, "I know you have a ton of admirers, but I doubt any of them thinks as highly of you as I do."
- If you want to appeal to his ego (and he'll love that), you might say, "I think you're the greatest man I've ever laid eyes on. Wanna go out sometime?"
- As a Cardinal sign, you excel at starting things off. Leo, on the other hand, is a fixed sign, which means he's great in the middle. Tell him how you feel and he won't hesitate to pick up that ball and keep things rolling.
Show him that you have a life of your own.
A Lion doesn't want to feel like he's responsible for your happiness. Hearing "you complete me" might make a Leo guy run in the opposite direction. He wants a partner who's already complete without him because she has her own interests and life goals. As a confident and independent Ram, you have no problem demonstrating that you've built a full life for yourself.
- Tell him your life or career goals and he'll realize that you're not going to be looking to him for fulfillment. This will help him relax and feel more comfortable around you.
- It also helps if you're a busy person, which Aries women tend to be. You don't always respond to all of his texts immediately, so he knows you're not just sitting around waiting for him.
Be physically affectionate with him.
A Leo guy is all about public displays of affection.[1] X Research source For a Lion, public life is a performance to impress others. You can be sure that if he likes you, he'll want the world to know. Aries women aren't shy, so put yourself out there—he'll be thrilled that you have no qualms about claiming him.
- If the two of you are sitting somewhere together, you might casually drape your arm over his lap or squeeze his thigh.
- When you're standing together, keep your arm around his back or looped through his arm.
Draw him out with a little verbal sparring.
Lions love opinionated women who stand their ground. He'll be charmed within minutes if you spark a little friendly debate with him. You're both competitive and, as an Aries, you have no problem playing devil's advocate for the sake of a good debate. This might sometimes be necessary since the two of you are both Fire signs and have a lot in common.
- You might bring up current events or politics to start a good passionate discussion.
- If the two of you are both fans of the same film franchise or TV series, bring up a recent fandom controversy to stir things up a bit.
Invite him to a big party or group hangout.
A Lion loves being surrounded by people who like him. As an energetic and extroverted Aries, you feel right at home in large groups—and so does your favorite Leo. There's no better way to attract him than to invite him out to a large gathering where there will be plenty of people he can entertain.
- If the weather's nice, you might host a BBQ in your backyard or at a local park. Make sure there's plenty of food and drink as well as games so the party can last for hours.
- Bring people together for a pub crawl or dance party that can last into the wee hours.
Play games and sports together.
Both of you love a little friendly competition. Leo's active playfulness comes out when you're competing for a prize. For you, Aries, it might be a little more serious. Ruled by the planet Mars, you're a real warrior who will stop at nothing to win every battle. When the two of you step toe-to-toe, be ready for some excitement!
- For example, you might challenge him to a game of one-on-one basketball or soccer.
- Meet up at a driving range or batting cage for another fun and competitive date.
- You usually like to win more than anything, but if he wins, it might not be that big of a deal. As much as you like winning, you also tend to prefer being with a guy who's stronger than you are.
Plan active, adventurous dates.
A Leo never shies away from an opportunity to be brave. You're both daring adventurers with energy to burn. If you invite him to go sky-diving or cliff-jumping with you, he'll feel like you're speaking his language.[2] X Research source
- If you prefer less of an adrenaline rush, a hike through unfamiliar terrain can also be a thrilling adventure.
- He's up for exploring exotic places as well. What could be more adventurous than backpacking through Southeast Asia?
Let him take the lead from time to time.
Your Lion will get frustrated if he's never in charge. You both want to be in charge and this can ultimately cause you to butt heads. And since you're both competitive people, you tend to fight over the leadership role in the relationship—let the best one win. While this can work out just fine, it's also good to let him take the reins in specific areas just to keep things balanced.[3] X Research source
- As you get to know him, you'll start to see what he gravitates toward. For example, if he's very particular about food, he might prefer to choose the restaurant. Something as simple as asking him where he wants to eat can make all the difference.
- Don't be afraid to bargain with him as well. You might say, "You can pick where we eat tonight, but only if I'm allowed to pick the movie. Deal?"
Expert Q&A
QuestionWhat attracts Leo men?Stina GarbisReverend Stina Garbis is a Psychic Astrologer and the Owner of Psychic Stina. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in providing personal and professional advice through astrology and tarot card readings. Reverend Stina has experience working with high-profile celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and CEOs. She has been featured in many publications, including Bustle, Vice, The New York Post, and Readers’ Digest and she also has a 200k+ following on TikTok. Stina holds an Ordained Minister License from The International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary.
Psychic AstrologerCompliments—make him feel like he is the big man on campus! Always compliment how handsome, strong, and clever he is.
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