This article was co-authored by Mohiba Tareen, MD. Mohiba Tareen is a board certified Dermatologist and the founder of Tareen Dermatology located in Roseville, Maplewood and Faribault, Minnesota. Dr. Tareen completed medical school at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where she was inducted into the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha honor society. While a dermatology resident at Columbia University in New York City, she won the Conrad Stritzler award of the New York Dermatologic Society and was published in The New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Tareen then completed a procedural fellowship which focused on dermatologic surgery, laser, and cosmetic dermatology.
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The resurgence of jade facial rollers highlights the increased focus on natural, holistic beauty products. They're designed to de-puff your face by massaging your muscles and increase the absorption of skin care products by clearing out your poses. But regardless of your reasons for using a jade roller, proper cleaning and sanitization is always key.
Washing Your Roller
1Pop the jade stone out of the roller. Use your thumb and forefinger to grip the right side of the roller bar with your right hand. Clutch the jade stone with your left hand and pull it to the left, making sure to hold the roller bar in place. Once there's enough space in between the stone and the bar, pop the stone out.[1]
- If you're left handed, hold the roller bar with your left hand and use your right hand to pop the jade stone out.
2Mix 8 parts water with 1 part ammonia and 1 part dish soap. Combine your ingredients into a clean large bowl and gently mix them together with a clean cloth until everything has dissolved.[2]
- Avoid harsh soaps and cleaners like alcohol and acetone whenever possible—the ornamental stones can be damaged by them.
- Always clean and dry your roller thoroughly after cleaning it with ammonia. Failing to do so can cause skin irritation.
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3Dip a soft cloth or brush into your cleaning mixture. Always make sure your cleaning tools are fresh and clean. For brushes in particular, make that they are unused—excess pigments caught in the bristles can contaminate the jade and clog up their pores.[3]
- You can use a clean, new toothbrush instead of a brush if you'd like.
4Apply the cleaning solution to the roller's surface. Use a light amount of pressure to apply your solution. Run the entire piece under warm water and continue gently applying soap. If you're roller is delicate or fragile, keep an eye out for scratches.
- If you notice any scratching, stop wiping and look for particles on your cleaning utensil. Swap it for a new one to be safe.
Sanitizing Your Roller
1Sanitize your roller weekly. If you use your roller frequently, you should sanitize it on a regular basis so you don't spread germs or bacteria to your facial skin. If you use a jade roller in a professional setting, sanitize it after each use. You can either use rubbing alcohol or boiling water to sanitize the jade stone.
2Apply rubbing alcohol after cleaning your roller for a quick sanitizing. Although too much alcohol application can lead to fading, it's a cheap sanitizing product ideal for killing bacteria—especially if you're using your roller in a professional setting. Apply alcohol with a dry cloth after every session following soap application.
- Keep a pack of alcohol wipes in your bathroom and use one to wipe down your roller after you clean it. Be sure to wipe your roller with a dry cloth after using your alcohol wipes.
- For casual use, you can skip this step or just apply alcohol every now and then.
3Place your roller in boiling water for 30 minutes for thorough bacterial removal. A pot of boiling water is a great way to kill bacteria that isn't accessible by cleaners. Heat up a pot of water on your stove and remove the stone from its roller as you wait. Make sure to use enough water that the stone is submerged. Once the water is ready, place your roller in it using tongs. After 30 minutes has passed, remove the stone with your tongs.
- Always wear oven mitts when handling your tongs to avoid getting burned.
- Add 1 to 2 tbsp (17-34 g) of salt to the water. This will raise its boiling point, meaning it will boil slower and reduce the chances of sharp and potentially damaging temperature increases.[4]
- Some suppliers advise against immersing your jade in water in order to maintain its Qi.
Drying Your Roller
1Rub the jade piece with a dry cloth to remove excess soap. After gently cleaning your roller, you need to remove any leftover soap. Skipping this step can cause soap to clog up the roller's pores and prevent it from cleaning properly.[5]
- Soft vegan cloths are ideal.
2Place the roller on a soft towel to let it air dry. Lay down a soft, clean towel onto a flat surface to give your roller a place to dry. Make sure that the room is well-ventilated with dry air. Lots of humidity will rust the metal mechanism of your roller. Avoid leaving it in a steamy bathroom or anywhere with improper air circulation. Some people even store their roller in a plastic bag in the fridge to increase depuffing and soothing benefits.[6]
- Dehumidifiers are ideal for locations that have excess humidity.
3Heat your jade roller at 105 to 110 °F (41 to 43 °C) in your oven for powerful drying. Place the jade roller into an oven-safe container. Afterwards, put it in the oven and heat it at a slightly warm temperature for about 5 minutes or until any signs of moisture on its surface are gone.
- Keep an eye on your and remove it when you can't see any signs of moisture on its surface.
- Be sure not to over-dry—this will remove the natural water content, which can lead to damage.
Community Q&A
QuestionHow do I use a jade roller?Community AnswerYou just roll it on your skin. No special steps need to be taken; it is like a massage for your face.
QuestionCan I put the jade roller in the refrigerator to keep it cold?Sarah.JohnsonCommunity AnswerYou can! It keeps it cooler longer to give your face a refresher. Consider putting it in the fridge overnight to give your skin a boost in the mornings!
Things You'll Need
- Large bowl
- Dish soap
- Ammonia
- Alcohol
- Soft towel
- Clean dry cloth
- Soft, absorbent cloth
- Medium-sized cooking pot
- Tongs
- Over mitts
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about taking care of your skin, check out our in-depth interview with Mohiba Tareen, MD.
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About This Article
To clean a jade roller, pop the jade stone out of the roller and set it aside. Mix 8 parts water with 1 part ammonia and 1 part dish soap in a bowl and swish them around with a clean cloth until the ingredients are well mixed. Dampen a clean, soft cloth or toothbrush in the solution and use it to gently rub or wipe the jade stone clean while simultaneously rinsing the stone under warm, running water. Once a week, wipe the stone down with an alcohol wipe to sanitize it after cleaning it. When you’re done, wipe the stone dry with a soft cloth and set it out on a towel to air dry completely before using it again.