If your grey hair is darker than you'd like, you definitely have options for lightening it up a bit. Working with grey hair can be tricky, though, since it's fragile and technically has no pigment in it. Don't worry—we've researched everything you need to know about lightening and brightening grey hair so we could answer your most pressing questions. Read on to learn more!

Question 1 of 6:

What’s the best way to lighten dark grey hair?

  1. Get highlights to lighten the color and add dimension. The most fool-proof way to lighten hair is by using bleach. Grey hair is fragile, though, so bleaching your whole head isn’t ideal. Bleached highlights are the way to go if you want to subtly lighten your hair and add natural-looking dimension without damaging it.[1]
    • You can do your own highlights at home using a bleach kit from a drug or beauty supply store. If you've never done highlights before, you might want to head to the salon for your first time.
    • Highlighted grey hair doesn't need root touch-ups as often as pigmented hair, which is a big plus![2]
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Question 2 of 6:

What if I want to dramatically lighten dark grey hair?

Question 3 of 6:

Can I dye dark grey hair to make it lighter and silvery?

Question 4 of 6:

Can I brighten grey hair without using dye or bleach?

  1. 1
    Yes, use a silver toning shampoo at home once a week. Grey hair looks darker when it gets dull and brassy. Silver toning shampoo deposits pigments on your hair to enhance and brighten the color, but it doesn't have dye or bleach in it. You apply toning shampoo exactly like normal shampoo, so it’s super easy![7]
    • Purple toning shampoo can also brighten grey hair, especially if there are yellow tones in there.[8] [9]
    • Each product is different, so read the instructions to find out how often you need to use the shampoo.
  2. 2
    Visit a salon if you want a more intense toning treatment. In-salon toning treatments are more pigmented than at-home toning shampoos. If you want a more dramatic color boost, make an appointment with your favorite stylist and explain the color you want to achieve with toner.[10]
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Question 6 of 6:

How do I make my grey hair look shinier?

  1. 1
    Use clear or ice blonde hair gloss once a month. Clear glossing products don’t deposit any color, but they do make hair look extra shiny, seal in moisture, and smooth out the shaft.[12] Semi-permanent glosses deposit silvery or ice blonde pigments to refresh and brighten the color while also boosting shine.[13]
    • Instructions vary by brand, so be sure to read the packaging insert for more information. Generally, though, you apply and rinse them out just like hair dye.
  2. 2
    Wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo once a week. Build-up on your hair makes it look dull; a clarifying shampoo strips out that unwanted build-up and leaves you with clean, shiny locks. Apply clarifying shampoo, lather it up, and rinse it out thoroughly just like you would normal shampoo.[14]
    • Build-up is totally normal! It's usually caused by hard water, pollution, and styling products.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do you maintain silvery-gray hair?
    April Ferri
    April Ferri
    Professional Hair Stylist
    April Ferri is a Professional Hair Stylist and the Co-Owner of Widows Peak Salon, a hair salon based in Los Angeles, California. With over ten years of experience, April specializes in hair coloring and enhancing and transforming natural tones into vibrant shades for beautiful and low maintenance hair. Her work has been featured in Voyage LA Magazine, and she has worked as a stylist for LA Fashion Week.
    April Ferri
    Professional Hair Stylist
    Expert Answer
    Invest in a good purple shampoo. I like one that's not overly drying, because sometimes purple shampoos are clarifying. That means they're made for pulling out any impurities in the hair in addition to depositing the purple color. That will cancel out any of the yellow to keep it that silvery color.

About This Article

April Ferri
Co-authored by:
Professional Hair Stylist
This article was co-authored by April Ferri and by wikiHow staff writer, Amber Crain. April Ferri is a Professional Hair Stylist and the Co-Owner of Widows Peak Salon, a hair salon based in Los Angeles, California. With over ten years of experience, April specializes in hair coloring and enhancing and transforming natural tones into vibrant shades for beautiful and low maintenance hair. Her work has been featured in Voyage LA Magazine, and she has worked as a stylist for LA Fashion Week. This article has been viewed 38,195 times.
33 votes - 84%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: October 21, 2021
Views: 38,195