List of stars in Ophiuchus

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Ophiuchus, sorted by decreasing brightness.

Name B F G.[1] Var HD HIP RA Dec vis.
Dist. (ly) Sp. class Notes
α Ophα551595618603217h 34m 56.00s+12° 33 Alhague, Rasalhague
η Ophη35901551258401217h 10m 22.66s−15° 43 30.52.430.3784A2.5VaSabik
ζ Ophζ13281497578137716h 37m 09.53s−10° 34 01.72.54−3.20458O9.5VHan; γ Cas variable; Be star
δ Ophδ171460517959316h 14m 20.77s−03° 41 38.32.73−0.86170M1IIIYed Prior, Yad, Jed Prior
β Ophβ601681610968674217h 43m 28.38s+04° 34 00.92.760.7682K2IIICebalrai, Celbalrai, Celb-al-Rai, Kelb Alrai, Cheleb
κ Ophκ27651532108300016h 57m 40.27s+09° 22
ε Ophε291467917988216h 18m 19.24s−04° 41 Posterior, Yad, Jed Posterior
θ Ophθ421261570568497017h 22m 00.58s−24° 59 58.23.27−2.92563B2IVβ Cep variable
ν Ophν641861639178804817h 59m 01.60s−09° 46 24.13.32−0.03153K0IIISinistra; has two brown dwarfs
72 Oph721991657778877118h 07m 21.02s+09° 33 49.23.711.6983A4IVs
γ Ophγ621721618688710817h 47m 53.57s+02° 42 26.93.751.4395A0VTsung Ching, Muliphen [2][3]
λ Ophλ10251488578088316h 30m 54.84s+01° 59 02.83.820.28166A2VMarfik, Marfic, Marsic
67 Oph671911643538819218h 00m 38.72s+02° 55 53.73.93−4.261417B5Ib
70 Ophp701971653418860118h 05m 27.21s+02° 30 SBnearby
44 Ophb441351577928534017h 26m 22.22s−24° 10
χ Ophχ7151481848056916h 27m 01.44s−18° 27 22.34.22−1.66489B2Vneγ Cas variable
45 Ophd451391579198542317h 27m 21.26s−29° 52
φ Ophφ8241487868089416h 31m 08.39s−16° 36
36 Oph BA361031558858440517h 15m 21.29s−26° 36 00.24.335.4420K1Vnearby triple star system
σ Ophσ491431579998535517h 26m 30.88s+04° 08 25.24.34−3.441173K3IIvar
ι Ophι251526148267316h 54m 00.50s+10° 09 55.64.390.11234B8V
ξ Ophξ401241568978489317h 21m 00.21s−21° 06 44.84.393.1957F2/F3V
68 Oph681931645778829018h 01m 45.19s+01° 18 18.44.42−0.13265A2Vn
ω Ophω9261488988097516h 32m 08.19s−21° 27 59.34.450.80175Apα² CVn variable
ψ Ophψ4111477008034316h 24m 06.20s−20° 02 14.04.480.79178K0III
HD 1579501411579508536517h 26m 37.94s−05° 05 11.44.532.1498F3VOften mislabeled 47 Ophiuchi, which is in Serpens
ρ Oph Aρ5131479338047316h 25m 35.12s−23° 26 49.64.57−0.84361B2V
μ Ophμ571571599758628417h 37m 50.72s−08° 07 07.44.58−1.55549B8II-IIIMNp
υ Ophυ3181483678062816h 27m 48.23s−08° 22 18.14.621.75122A3mShe Low
20 Oph20491517698236916h 49m 49.97s−10° 46 58.14.641.80121F7IV
71 Oph711981657608876518h 07m 18.35s+08° 44 01.74.640.33238G8III-IV
41 Oph411111562668451417h 16m 36.71s−00° 26 42.54.720.60218K2III
τ Oph Bτ691647648840418h 03m 04.91s−08° 10 48.94.771.19167F5V
51 Ophc511491586438575517h 31m 24.95s−23° 57 45.34.78−0.80426A0Vhas a developing planetary system
66 Oph66190V20481642848814918h 00m 15.80s+04° 22 07.14.79−1.79676B2VeV2048 Oph; γ Cas variable; Be star
30 Oph30701536878326217h 01m 03.63s−04° 13 20.84.82−0.63402K4III
74 Oph742091686568991818h 20m 52.06s+03° 22 37.74.850.27269G8III
58 Oph581651609158673617h 43m 25.85s−21° 40 59.14.863.6457F6/F7V
24 Sco(24)391504168172416h 41m 34.40s−17° 44 31.84.91−0.48391G8II/III
66 Here(66)1566818467117h 18m 36.99s+10° 51 53.05.03−1.60691K4II-III
36 Oph AA3610315588617h 15m 20.80s−26° 36 05.05.0720K0VGuniibuu,[4] component of the 36 Oph system
ο Ophο391121563498462617h 18m 00.72s−24° 17 12.85.14−0.09363K:...
23 Oph23581526018273016h 54m 35.71s−06° 09
17 G. Oph171483498062016h 27m 43.46s−07° 35 51.25.24−0.72507M2 comp
τ Oph Aτ691951647658840418h 03m 04.90s−08° 10 50.05.24167F2V
43 Oph431281572368508417h 23m 21.59s−28° 08 33.95.30−1.02599K4/K5III
Gliese 6781501586148566717h 30m 23.87s−01° 03 45.05.314.2354G8IV-V
37 Oph371556448417717h 12m 27.81s+10° 35 06.85.32−1.56776M2III
(52 Cau)1718029121718h 36m 27.84s+09° 07 22.15.382.43127F5III52 G. Ser Cau in Ophiuchus
21 G. Oph211485138069316h 28m 33.98s+00° 39 54.65.41−0.15422K4IIIp
146 G. Oph1461583528553717h 28m 49.69s+00° 19 50.15.411.41206A8V
208 G. Oph2081683878977218h 19m 09.56s+07° 15 35.15.412.15147K2III
88 G. Oph881550788396217h 09m 47.92s−10° 31 22.95.432.40132F5IV
(53 Cau)1718349123718h 36m 39.09s+06° 40 19.85.432.92103F3V53 G. Ser Cau in Ophiuchus
183 G. Oph1831635328784717h 56m 47.75s−04° 04 54.55.44−0.14426G9III
202 G. Oph2021664608906518h 10m 40.29s+03° 19 27.45.50−0.01412K2III
21 Oph21521521278248016h 51m 24.94s+01° 12 57.55.510.39345A2Vs
40 G. Oph401504538175416h 41m 53.67s−19° 55 28.15.552.41139F3V
24 Oph24611528498292516h 56m 48.04s−23° 09 01.25.570.34363A0V
152 G. Oph1521588378574917h 31m 21.35s+02° 43 28.15.570.28373G8III
153 G. Oph1531591708592217h 33m 29.87s−05° 44 40.55.612.19158A5V
82 G. Oph821544458363517h 05m 32.26s−00° 53 31.45.63−1.22765B1V
HR 6902(39 Cau)1696899031318h 25m 38.80s+08° 01 55.35.64−1.33807G8III-IV+..39 G. Ser Cau in Ophiuchus
22 G. Oph221486048079316h 29m 46.90s−14° 33 03.25.661.09268G5III/IV
201 G. Oph2011662858900018h 09m 54.01s+03° 07 13.15.672.31153F5V
73 Oph73200V26661662338896418h 09m 33.86s+03° 59 35.85.712.17166F2VV2666 Oph; γ Dor variable
14 Oph14431505578173416h 41m 42.54s+01° 10 52.05.742.21165F2.7III-IV
26 Oph26671533638319617h 00m 09.48s−24° 59 20.25.743.13108F3V
12 Oph1227V21331496618130016h 36m 21.18s−02° 19 25.85.775.8232K2VV2133 Oph; BY Dra variable
134 G. Oph1341576178513917h 23m 57.61s+08° 51 09.35.77−1.821076K1III
180 G. Oph1801629178755817h 53m 14.26s+06° 06 04.55.773.29102F4IV-V
53 Ophf531551594808599817h 34m 36.69s+09° 35 12.25.800.70342A2V
132 G. Oph1321575278520717h 24m 42.04s−21° 26 29.15.820.99302K0III
V2052 Oph182V20521634728781217h 56m 18.40s+00° 40 13.35.82−1.21830B2IV-Vβ Cep variable
54 G. Oph541523118262116h 53m 25.26s−20° 24 55.85.863.6391G5IV
187 G. Oph1871640648810117h 59m 36.76s−04° 49 15.35.86−0.29553K5III
66 G. Oph661533368317616h 59m 57.70s−25° 05 31.85.880.03482M1/M2III
U Oph110U1562478450017h 16m 31.72s+01° 12 38.15.89−0.46606B5VnnAlgol variable
179 G. Oph1791627748749117h 52m 35.46s+01° 18 18.25.910.75351K5III
ρ Oph Bρ5121479348047316h 25m 35.10s−23° 26 46.05.92361B2V
184 G. Oph1841636248787517h 57m 04.30s+00° 04 00.15.951.05312A3V
164 G. Oph1641607818657517h 41m 32.32s+06° 18 47.45.97−1.931240G7III
85 G. Oph851547798385417h 08m 14.85s−17° 36 32.35.980.53401K0III
105 G. Oph1051559708440217h 15m 20.30s−14° 35 02.95.981.11307K1III
140 G. Oph1401579558544217h 27m 37.56s−29° 43 28.25.98−0.34599B9.5IV
1691119005218h 22m 35.31s+12° 01 46.75.990.16479A2V
V2213 Oph81V22131544178360117h 05m 16.83s+00° 42 Draconis variable
142 G. Oph1421579788533317h 26m 19.01s+07° 35 44.46.01−1.01825A0...
16 Oph16441511338203716h 45m 29.68s+01° 01
46 G. Oph461515278225916h 48m 26.99s−14° 54
119 G. Oph1191567178479217h 19m 53.35s−17° 45
30 G. Oph301499118144016h 38m 01.56s−06° 32
151 G. Oph1511587048578317h 31m 44.38s−26° 16
16 G. Oph161482878055816h 26m 50.06s+02° 20
86 G. Oph861548958385317h 08m 13.66s−01° 04
36 G. Oph361503668172816h 41m 36.21s−24° 28
19 Oph19451514318216216h 47m 09.76s+02° 03
(43 Cau)1701379048718h 27m 50.32s+03° 44 54.96.07−2.051370K3III43 G. Ser Cau in Ophiuchus
109 G. Oph1091562278452417h 16m 42.75s−06° 14
162 G. Oph1621604718647617h 40m 11.95s−02° 09 08.26.08−0.03544K2.5Ib
V2392 Oph206V23921676548952718h 16m 05.58s+02° 22 39.36.10−0.58706M4III
95 G. Oph951554018417517h 12m 25.07s−27° 45
1603658637317h 38m 57.87s+13° 19
V986 Oph196V9861651748852218h 04m 37.36s+01° 55 08.46.14B0IIIn
63 G. Oph631530218297916h 57m 26.00s−10° 57
61 Oph611691612708683117h 44m 34.09s+02° 34
V2368 Oph108V23681562088447917h 16m 14.25s+02° 11 10.56.17−0.11588A2VAlgol variable
33 Sco(33)1575888524217h 25m 06.23s−24° 14
8 G. Oph81465147978116h 16m 55.28s−03° 57
V1010 Oph48V10101516768233916h 49m 27.67s−15° 40β Lyr variable
Y Oph175Y1627148749517h 52m 38.70s−06° 08 36.86.18−3.542860G3Ibv SBδ Cep variable
2 Sgr(2)1581600428635217h 38m 44.87s−21° 54
1624688733517h 50m 43.61s+11° 56
173 G. Oph1731619418715017h 48m 20.23s+03° 48 15.16.22−3.182470B9.5V
10 G. Oph101475508022716h 22m 38.91s−02° 04
V2388 OphV23881631518765517h 54m 14.21s+11° 07
34 G. Oph341502598163216h 40m 34.51s−20° 24
41 G. Oph411504518168716h 41m 11.53s−01° 00
V2542 Oph56V25421525698269316h 54m 10.60s−01° 36δ Sct variable
159 G. Oph1591603158639117h 39m 08.48s+02° 01
5 G. Oph51457887946316h 12m 56.60s−04° 13
80 G. Oph801544818374017h 06m 53.23s−26° 30 46.86.26−1.731294B8/B9II
(64 Cau)1724249152318h 39m 51.60s+07° 21 G. Ser Cau in Ophiuchus
62 G. Oph621529098295116h 57m 03.99s−19° 32 23.46.27−0.33682B7/8III
29 Oph29711537278333117h 01m 51.27s−18° 53
115 G. Oph1151564628464917h 18m 19.27s−16° 18 42.86.28−0.68805M0/M1III
131 G. Oph1311573478504217h 22m 51.26s−02° 23
185 G. Oph1851636418786617h 56m 55.96s+06° 29 15.86.28−0.32681B9III
77 G. Oph771542048356717h 04m 45.33s−20° 29
28 Sco(28)791544188368417h 06m 11.81s−21° 33
1681998967718h 18m 02.94s+13° 46 37.46.29−1.381113B5V
167 G. Oph1671610568676817h 43m 47.02s−07° 04 46.56.30−1.851393B1.5V
122 G. Oph1221568268480117h 19m 59.53s−05° 55 01.36.312.67174G9V
51 G. Oph511519008240516h 50m 22.25s−02° 39 15.36.322.43195F1III-IV
33 G. Oph331501778158016h 39m 39.12s−09° 33 15.26.333.14142F3V
60 G. Oph601527818286116h 56m 01.79s−16° 48 22.86.333.30132K0/K1III/IV
72 G. Oph721539148334217h 01m 58.96s+08° 27 02.46.331.00379A4V
36 Oph CA36106V22151560268447817h 16m 13.68s−26° 32 36.36.337.4520K5VV2215 Oph; component of the 36 Oph system; RS CVn variable
176 G. Oph1761625968742817h 51m 59.45s−01° 14 12.56.330.66445K0
1637728791017h 57m 26.99s+11° 02 40.46.331.19348A1V
84 G. Oph841546608373817h 06m 52.94s−01° 39 22.06.341.62286A9V
97 G. Oph971555008411317h 11m 45.22s+07° 53 41.06.340.89402K0III
133 G. Oph1331575468519517h 24m 37.03s−18° 26 44.76.34−0.30695B8V
1660958886218h 08m 33.74s+14° 17 05.06.340.28532A5m
2 G. Oph21443627884916h 05m 44.53s−06° 17 28.16.351.89254F2IV
19 G. Oph191483908061016h 27m 32.27s+02° 52 14.46.350.23547K5
87 G. Oph871549628390617h 08m 54.55s−03° 52 57.46.353.61115G8IV-V
32 Sco(32)1251569928494717h 21m 41.58s−24° 54 21.66.36−0.11643K3III
147 G. Oph1471584638562217h 29m 47.37s−05° 55 09.66.362.07235K0III
V2126 Oph188V21261642588814818h 00m 15.66s+00° 37 46.26.360.94395A3spe...α² CVn variable
192 G. Oph1921644328821318h 00m 52.86s+06° 16 05.96.36−1.961502B2IV
144 G. Oph1441581708547417h 28m 02.39s−08° 12 29.06.371.57297F5IV
83 G. Oph831546108367717h 06m 09.64s+09° 44 01.96.380.04604K5
1546198368817h 06m 13.03s+10° 27 13.96.381.04381G8III-IV
3 G. Oph31443907887016h 05m 59.83s−06° 08 23.16.391.25347K0
42 G. Oph421504938169116h 41m 16.74s+01° 14 43.76.40−0.46767K0
X OphX1721719138918h 38m 21.0s+08° 50 02.06.40K0Mira variable
163 G. Oph1631608398672517h 43m 17.71s−27° 53 02.36.40−3.372937F0III/IV
136 G. Oph1361578648539117h 26m 55.30s−25° 56 36.26.420.86423B9.5/A0V
V2114 Oph145V21141582288545017h 27m 44.07s+08° 26 31.76.42−0.59823M4III
1590828582617h 32m 14.88s+11° 55 48.06.420.51495B9.5V
V2393 Oph(50 Cau)V23931712479097118h 33m 23.30s+08° 16 05.86.42−2.011583B8IIIp SiSr:50 G. Ser Cau in Ophiuchus; α² CVn variable
123 G. Oph1231568608478017h 19m 46.49s+02° 08 22.16.430.11599M5III
205 G. Oph2051671628934718h 13m 52.22s+02° 23 36.66.43−1.351173K2
31 G. Oph311500528149916h 38m 47.73s−08° 37 06.96.44−0.72881K5
138 G. Oph1381578568530717h 25m 57.84s−01° 39 06.96.442.49201F3V
174 G. Oph1741621138722417h 49m 19.05s+01° 57 40.46.441.34342K0III
1485318070816h 28m 42.35s+00° 03 18.36.461.65299K5
23 G. Oph231487438084016h 30m 30.02s−07° 30 52.06.46−2.341874A7Ib
38 G. Oph381503818166316h 40m 56.42s−08° 18 34.76.470.54499K0
1587168566617h 30m 22.65s+11° 55 26.36.471.59309A1V
52 Oph521541593768606017h 35m 18.50s−22° 02 37.76.47−0.69883Ap Si
64 G. Oph641532298309016h 58m 41.56s−14° 52 10.66.483.06158F3IV/V
1715059109018h 34m 47.49s+10° 53 31.26.480.03635A1V
20 G. Oph201485158071916h 28m 48.99s−08° 07 43.26.493.16151F2V
HD 1568461211568468485617h 20m 34.31s−19° 20 01.56.513.06160G1Vhas a planet (b)
GJ 6881603468640017h 39m 16.9s+03° 33 18.86.526.0735K2V
ο Ophο391131563508462517h 18m 00.64s−24° 17 02.76.590.75481G8/K0II
29 Sco(29)1556858431417h 14m 14.25s−26° 59 03.96.651.80304F2/F3V
HD 154088731540888354117h 04m 28s−28° 34 586.735.4758K0Vhas a planet ([[HD 154088 b|b}})
[[HD 155233}}1552338405617h 11m 04.0s−20° 39 166.80245K1IIIhas a planet ([[HD 155233 b|b}})
38 Oph381562528460517h 17m 39.53s−26° 37 44.56.811.17438B9.5V
HD 1484271484278068716h 28m 28.15s−13° 23 58.76.903.04193K0IVTimir,[5] has a planet (b)
18 Oph184715165916h 49m 44.40s−24° 38 24.07.10A1m...
HD 1504331504338168116h 41m 08s−02° 51 267.2297G0has a planet (b)
Gl 6731578818529517h 25m 45.23s+02° 06 41.17.548.1025K5nearby; high proper motion star
HD 1571721571728501717h 22m 35s−19° 36 587.86104G8.5Vhas a planet (b)
HD 1491431491438102216h 32m 51.05s+02° 05 05.47.903.89207G0Rosalíadecastro,[4] has a planet (b)
HD 1704691704699059318h 29m 10.98s+11° 41 a planet (b)
HD 1645091645098826818h 01m 31s+00° 06 168.24170G5Vhas a planet (b)
HD 17102817102818h 32m 15.49s+06° 56 44.78.31294G0Vhas a planet (b)
HD 1525811525818265116h 53m 44s+11° 58 258.54607K0Mahsati,[6] has a planet (b)
HD 1592431592438591117h 33m 22.0s+05° 42 038.65226G0Vhas two planets (b & c)
Barnard's StarV25008793717h 57m 48.50s+04° 41 36.29.5413.245.94M4Ve2nd nearest star system; V2500 Oph
Wolf 1061V23068082416h 30m 18.06s−12° 39 45.310.1211.9713.91M3.530th nearest star system; V2306 Oph
HAT-P-5718h 48m 58.0s+10° 35 5010.47988has a transiting planet (b)
WASP-16317h 06m 09.0s−10° 24 4712.54G8has a transiting planet (b)
CoRoT-618h 44m 17.42s+06° 39 48.013.9F5Vhas a transiting planet (b)
GJ 121417h 15m 18.94s+04° 57 49.714.6714.1042M4.5has a transiting super-Earth planet (b)
CoRoT-2518h 42m 31.0s+06° 30 5015.03262G0Vhas a transiting planet (b)
CoRoT-2918h 35m 37.0s+06° 28 4715.352495KOVhas a transiting planet (b)
CoRoT-2618h 39m 00.0s+06° 58 1215.765447G8IVhas a transiting planet (b)
SN 160417h 30m 35.98s−21° 28 56.2n/aSKepler's star; supernova
Table legend:

See also


  • ESA (1997). "The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • Kostjuk, N. D. (2002). "HD-DM-GC-HR-HIP-Bayer-Flamsteed Cross Index". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • Roman, N. G. (1987). "Identification of a Constellation from a Position". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • Gould, B. A. "Uranometria Argentina". Reprinted and updated by Pilcher, F. Archived from the original on 2012-02-27. Retrieved 2010-07-16.
  1. Cau = Cauda
  2. Kaler, Jim. "Muliphen". Retrieved 2017-01-03.
  3. Hinckley Allen, Richard. "LacusCurtius • Allen's Star Names — Ophiuchus". Retrieved 2017-01-03.
  4. "IAU Catalog of Star Names". International Astronomical Union. Retrieved 2018-09-17.
  5. "Bangladesh". NameExoWorlds. Retrieved 2019-12-30.
  6. "Azerbaijan". NameExoWorlds. Retrieved 2019-12-30.
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