C/2017 T1 (Heinze)

C/2017 T1 (Heinze) is a near parabolic comet that passed closest to Earth on January 4, 2018, at a distance of 0.22 AU. It was discovered on 10/2/2017 by Ari Heinze of the University of Hawaiʻi. Perihelion was on February 21, 2018, and it was expected peak magnitude about 8.8.[1]

C/2017 T1 (Heinze)
Path of C/2017 T1 (Heinze) in sky. It is closest to Earth on Jan 4, 2018 and passed over the north pole as it approaches perihelion.
Discovered byAri Heinze
Discovery dateOctober 2, 2017
Orbital characteristics
Perihelion0.58063929 AU
Next perihelion21 February 2018
Physical characteristics
Surface gravity


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