List of ancient Greek astronomers
Archaic Greece
- Anaximander
- Bion
- Empedocles
- Thales
Classical Greece
Hellenistic Greece
- Apollonius
- Aratus
- Archimedes
- Aristarchus
- Aristyllus
- Attalus
- Autolycus
- Conon
- Eratosthenes
- Hipparchus
- Hypsicles
- Pytheas
- Seleucus
- Timocharis
- Agrippa
- Andronicus
- Cleomedes
- Geminus
- Hephaestio
- Macrobius
- Martianus Capella
- Menelaus
- Porphyry
- Posidonius
- Proclus
- Ptolemy
- Sosigenes of Alexandria
- Sosigenes the Peripatetic
- Strabo
- Theodosius
- Theon of Alexandria
- Theon of Smyrna
Astronomers |
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Concepts |
Influences | |
Influenced |
Ancient Greece | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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