Racah Lectures in Physics

The Racah Lecture is annual memorial lecture given at The Racah Institute of Physics of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem commemorating Prof. Giulio Racah. The lecturers are selected from among the leading physists in the world.

List of Previous Years Speakers

1971Prof. Igal Talmi
1972Prof. H. Pekeris
1973Prof. Eugene Wigner
1974Prof. David Pines
1975Prof. Gabriele Veneziano
1976Prof. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
1977Prof. D. Wilkinson
1978Prof. Hans Bethe
1979Prof. Richard Dalitz
1980Prof. Stanley Mandelstam
1981Prof. Anatole Abragam
1982Prof. Tullio Regge
1983Prof. Haim Harari
1984Prof. Hans Frauenfelder
1985Prof. Edoardo Amaldi
1986Prof. David Gross
1987Prof. Bryce DeWitt
1988Prof. Roy J. Glauber
1989Prof. Francesco Iachello
1990Prof. Jack Steinberger
1991Prof. Alexander Polyakov
1992Prof. K.V. von Klitzing
1993Prof. Leo Kadanoff
1994Prof. Edward Witten
1995Prof. Michael Berry
1996Prof. P.J.E. Peebles
1997Prof. Giorgio Parisi
1998Prof. Nathan Seiberg
1999Prof. Boris Altshuler
2000Prof. Andrei Linde
2001Prof. Steven A. Kivelson
2002Prof. B.R. Mottelson
2003Prof. Bertrand I. Halperin
2004Prof. Francois Englert
2005Prof. Gerard t'Hooft
2006Prof. Jacob Bekenstein
2007Prof. Wolfram Weise
2008Prof. Peter Zoller
2009Prof. Juan Maldacena
2010"Racah Centennial Conference"[1]
2011Prof. Thomas Witten
2012Prof. Anton Zeilinger
2013Prof. David Spergel
2014Prof. Eva Andrei
2015 Prof. Bernard Derrida
2016 Prof. Jörg Wrachtrup
2017 Prof. Marc Mézard
2018 Prof. Rainer Blatt
2019 Prof. Herbert Levine
2021 Prof. Subir Sachdev
2022 Prof. David R. Nelson
2023 Prof. Immanuel Bloch


  1. "SRacah 2010". phys.huji.ac.il.

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