Both words 本仕込 (ほんじこみ)and 本絞り(ほんしぼり contain the prefix ほん - the root words are しこみ and しぼり. They are morphologically similar nouns, so I am wondering whether this specific instance of rendaku is predictable based on the phonological environment of these words, or whether this is an aberration. I would have expected ほんじぼり (even though it sounds wrong to me).

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1 Answers1


Rendaku usually doesn't happen when the second component already contains a voiced syllable. しぼり already has ぼ, and this is why it won't become じぼり. See: Rules or criteria for 連濁: Voiced or unvoiced syllables in compound words

I feel 本絞り and 本仕込み are simple examples of "adjective + noun" fixed compounds like 長靴 (ながぐつ) or 大損 (おおぞん). This type of 本 means something like "true/ordinary/orthodox". At least in this context, I don't think it's important (or even possible) to strictly distinguish "adjective + noun" and "prefix + noun".

On the other hand, 本 meaning "our/this" can freely attach to many nouns (e.g., 本試み "our attempt", 本研究 "our research", 本サイト "this website"), and it never causes rendaku.

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