For example I came across a Jukugo like this:
名 (name) + 前 (before) = 名前 (name)
What is the point in having this Jukugo when you apparently can just use 名
. Can someone explain this to me?
For example I came across a Jukugo like this:
名 (name) + 前 (before) = 名前 (name)
What is the point in having this Jukugo when you apparently can just use 名
. Can someone explain this to me?
According to the 語源由来辞典 etymology dictionary, the 前 part is believed to have been added as an honorary form, mostly since the Meiji era.
名, I have seen the meaning being given as "reputation". I think this is a better meaning than "name". Then "名前" means "what goes ahead of the reputation". Also to reduce ambiguity, 名 can be used as a counter and for other words.