How to understand チラツ ?

My textbook gives "leaflet" as a translation. It's in katakana, though, so I'm looking for a corresponding English word, but what is it?

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    You mean ちら / チラ (=散らし), right? Could you clarify what you mean by corresponding English word? leaflet is already a possible English translation...? – blutorange Feb 12 '15 at 21:10
  • It's チラシ, derived from 散らす if I'm not mistaken. Fun fact: I had a few thousand game chirashi at one point. O_o – kiss-o-matic Feb 12 '15 at 21:11
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    Katakana can be used for non-borrowed words in some circumstances. This is presumably one such circumstance. cf. http://japanese.stackexchange.com/q/1930 – senshin Feb 12 '15 at 21:41
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    Btw., even borrowed words often stem from other languages than English... – Urukann Feb 13 '15 at 04:18
  • Good katakana life! http://pochamarama.tumblr.com/post/28737421770/what-is-with-katakana – broccoli forest Feb 13 '15 at 05:45

2 Answers2


"Flyers" > "Leaflets"

The word would most often refer to the (advertising) flyers that are inserted in newspapers. In Japan, many flyers are also thrown into your mailbox (without your permission).

It is 「チラ」, not 「チラ」. It is the シ in サシスセソ, not the ツ in タチツテト.

Finally, forget the kanji some people mentioned in the comments above for now. To refer to "flyers", 「チラシ」 is basically never written using that kanji.


Did you mean チラシ? If so, this is just 散らし written in katakana.

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