
I'm confused as to what と does in this sentence. Is it a quoting particle or conditional?


I'm completely lost as to what this is supposed to mean


Also is this の particle possessive?


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  • Are you confused with the phrase 「~という+響き」, or 「~と+かけ離れる」?
  • – chocolate Jun 24 '15 at 08:01
  • I'm confused with 地下室という響き. Is it operating the same way as the という in 芝という犬? – Tomm Jun 24 '15 at 14:45
  • 芝という犬 sounds "a dog 芝 by name" (or "a dog called 芝".) The construction looks similar, but I don't think the operation is the same. Any idea, @Choko? – eltonjohn Jun 25 '15 at 05:08
  • Yes I also think the construction (or grammar?) is the same; in both of them the と is the quotative particle and the いう is the verb 言う. But the usage/meaning of という in 芝という犬 is definition #1 「…と呼ばれている」, and the という in という響き is closer to #5「同格のものを指して」, eg 「大阪という都市」(the city of Osaka) 「犬という忠実な動物は人間の最良の友達だ」(That faithful animal the dog is man's best friend.). I think you can think of 地下室という響き as 『地下室』という言葉の響き (≒『地下室』という言葉から受ける印象, as in @eltonjohn's translation). – chocolate Jun 26 '15 at 07:02