I got "As expected" is the meaning of this word from Google Translate (is it correct?) and I guess this word is used in casual conversation (what is the polite version?).

I would like to know it's meaning and usage(both is casual and formal conversation)

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  • Does this help? http://japanese.stackexchange.com/a/420/9831 – chocolate Feb 08 '17 at 06:06
  • @Shoko It did not help. I am focusing on meaning and usage of やっぱり only with example ( FYI, I am beginner) – MD TAREQ HASSAN Feb 08 '17 at 06:50
  • Then this will be of some help, maybe? http://japanese.stackexchange.com/a/34166/9831 – chocolate Feb 08 '17 at 07:10
  • @Shoko Yes it helped but I would like you to answer my question with at least one example (especially when the word used at the beginning of a sentence) – MD TAREQ HASSAN Feb 08 '17 at 07:24
  • @Shoko (2nd link >> answer of @Locksleyu ) イギリスに行こうかな。。。いや、やっぱり日本に行く! Maybe I should go to England. No, actually I'll go to Japan!. And I got other meaning i.e. likewise, nonetheless(your answer of 2nd link). So still confused little bit – MD TAREQ HASSAN Feb 08 '17 at 07:30
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    Could you maybe edit your question and clarify what you're still unsure about after looking at the other questions? – Earthliŋ Feb 08 '17 at 18:40

1 Answers1


やっぱり is a colloquial/casual version of やはり.
やっぱり/やはり has several meanings/usages. For example...

"as expected; as (one) would expect"

  • やはりそれは本当だった。It was true, just as I thought/expected/imagined.
  • 「犯人は彼だった。」「やっぱりね。」"He was the criminal." "Just as I thought/suspected. ⇒ That's what I thought. / I knew it."
  • やっぱり言ったとおりだろう。That's exactly what I said. / Didn't I tell you so?
  • やっぱり(≂さすがは)イナバ、100人乗っても大丈夫。」 100 people can stand on Inaba's storage shed, just as one would expect.

"change one's mind / on second thought"

  • コーヒーください。いや、やっぱり紅茶にします。I'll have a coffee... No, I changed my mind / on second thought, make it a tea.

"all the same; nonetheless; after all"

  • 冬はやっぱりスキーに限る。 Winter is the best season for skiing, after all.
  • 小さいけど、やっぱりこの町が好きです。This town is small, but I like it nonetheless / all the same.
  • チョコレートはやっぱり明治。Meiji's chocolate is the best.

("as expected to be the same as before" ⇒) "still"

  • 今もやはりXXにお勤めですか。Do you still work for XX company?
  • 彼女は今もやっぱりきれいだ。She's as beautiful as ever.
  • やっぱりわかりません。I still don't understand.

("as expected to be the same as something/someone else" ⇒) "too; likewise"

  • やはりここも売り切れか。It's sold out here, too.
  • 弟さんもやっぱりX大出身? Did your brother graduate from X University, like you?


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    Good answer. We don't use the kanji for this, either, maybe this is worth mentioning for OP's sake. It's pretty odd. – virgil9306 Feb 12 '17 at 01:04
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    @virgil9306 ありがとうございます☺ Right, we rarely use the kanji 矢張り or 矢っ張り. It's almost always written in Hiragana (at least in modern Japanese). – chocolate Feb 13 '17 at 05:59
  • やはり in turn is cognate with やわら. The kanji are purely ateji. – Eiríkr Útlendi Jan 22 '19 at 00:07