Apparently の can be used as a de-facto が particle. Now this sorta makes sense as in Japanese the line between something defining scope (A は/が B), and some defining association (A の B), is vary thin.

That said, could someone explain to me when exactly you can use の in place of が, like it explains on Jisho.org, as I'm far to curious.

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1 Answers1


の and が are interchangeable at least in the following two cases:

  • 313,860
  • 13
  • 324
  • 625
  • In the second case, can/does the が become a ヶ? For example, is 関ヶ原 an instance of this? – istrasci Feb 16 '17 at 21:21
  • 1
    In proper mouns, yes I think so. 鬼が島 is also commonly written as 鬼ヶ島. Of course no one uses 我ヶ家 or such. – naruto Feb 16 '17 at 22:58