When is the use of correct particle (を or が) on the direct object of a transitive verb, for example:
- shigoto o owarimasu
- shigoto ga owarimasu
What is the exact meaning in each other, please.
When is the use of correct particle (を or が) on the direct object of a transitive verb, for example:
What is the exact meaning in each other, please.
Many Japanese verbs have transitive and intransitive versions. Basically, 終わる (owaru) is an intransitive verb. 終える (oeru) is the transitive equivalent. So here are the most basic usages:
- 仕事が終わります。 Shigoto ga owarimasu. (intransitive)
The task finishes.- 仕事を終えます。 Shigoto o oemasu. (transitive)
I finish the task.
In plain and active sentences like your example, the direct object of a transitive verb is always marked with を. In potential and passive sentences there are a lot more to know.
So, these are the generic rules.
But in case you have seen ~を終わる before, please read on.
However, 終わる (owaru) happens to have an exceptional transitive usage, too. See: When is 終わる used as a transitive verb? It's the fourth definition of this dictionary entry.
- 今日の授業を終わります。
That's all for today's class.
Exceptional transitive usages are seen in limited contexts in some intransitive verbs. I think this transitive usage of 終わる is limited to "That's it/all (for today)" as a closing word of a lesson/meeting/etc. In such contexts 今日の授業が終わります sounds highly unnatural (it sounds the class closes on its own). For other meanings, you have to use ~が終わる or ~を終える following the general rule above. For example, you cannot say 食事を終わる nor 宿題を終わる. If you want to say "Let's have a party when you have finished with the novel":
- その小説が終わったら、パーティーを開きましょう。: OK
- その小説を終えたら、パーティーを開きましょう。: OK
- [×] その小説を終わったら、パーティーを開きましょう。: ungrammatical
There is another exception regarding 終わる; when this is used as an auxiliary verb (i.e., when it follows a stem of another verb and forms a compound verb that means "finish ~ing"), verb + 終わる
works as a both transitive-and-intransitive verb. In this case, を and が are interchangeable.
- その小説を書き終わったら、パーティーを開きましょう。: OK
- その小説が書き終わったら、パーティーを開きましょう。: OK
- その小説を書き終えたら、パーティーを開きましょう。: OK
See also: