I am trying to find out how to say "I sang a song called something yesterday".

I do know how "I sang a song yesterday" is translated to Japanese which is 昨日は歌を歌いました

But where should I put the title of the song in question in the sentence?

Is it 昨日は歌という"title"を歌いました?

So I ask here how to ask for the title of a thing and maybe work something out from there.

P.S. It's a bit hard to google "Title of a song" or "Name of a song" in Japanese :D

2 Answers2


All you need to do is to insert the song title in the Japanese quotation marks 「」.

So, "a song called 'XXX'" would be:

「XXX」という曲{きょく} or


Note that it is ungrammatical to say:


because that means "the title by the name of ’歌’", which makes no sense.


name という item - "item" called "name"