いちに, にさん, さんよん (or さんし), しご, ごろく, ろくしち (or ろくなな) and しちはち (or ななはち) are very common and handy expressions. はちきゅう is understood, but is relatively less common. We don't use よんご for some reason. They are used like this:
- いちにかい: once or twice
- にさんにち: 2 or 3 days
- さんよんまんえん: 30000-40000 yen
- ごろっぴゃくねん: 500-600 years
- しちはっぽん: 7 or 8 (e.g. pencils)
It's even possible to say:
- よんじゅうごろっキロ: 45-46 kg/km
- せんろくななひゃっかい: 1600-1700 times
But じゅうにじゅうメートル and きゅうじゅうひゃくメートル are wrong. In these cases, you have to use から (or ないし) explicitly and say:
- じゅう から にじゅうメートル: 10-20 meters
- きゅうじゅう から ひゃくメートル: 90-100 meters
You also have to use から explicitly when you want to say 50-70, for example.
- ごじゅう から ななじゅうえん: 50 to 70 yen
(ご から ななじゅうえん is also acceptable when there is no chance for misunderstanding)
Related: How to read: the "~" (tilde) in "3~4 行"