Questions tagged [numbers]

数字. The various spoken and written forms of words and characters covering digits, numbers, numerals, including derived forms such as ordinals.

Questions about the various spoken and written forms of words and characters covering digits, numbers, numerals, including derived forms such as ordinals.

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173 questions
2 answers

What is the correct expression of 10/20, 20/30, 30/40 etc?

On a news report, I heard the phrase 四五{しご}十{じゅう}メートル and it got me thinking about how to express other number approximations. Are the following correct? 10 or 20 meters じゅうにじゅうメートル 20 or 30 meters にさんじゅうメートル 30 or 40 meters さんよんじゅうメートル 40 or 50…
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2 answers

What is the equivalent in arabic numbers of 3.2千

Sorry if this question seems to be stupid, but I'm not a japanese speaker, yet I have to "translate" Japanese numbers to Arabic numbers. I have a problem with the chain 3.2千 : according to…
Damien Prot
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2 answers

In conversation can you just say "万円です" or must you say "一万円です"?

I'm pretty sure it's natural to say "百{ひゃく}円です" as a casual abbreviation of "一百{いっぴゃく}円です" in a conversation. Same with "千{せん}円" vs. "一千{いっせん}円". This is similar in English conversation where it is ok to say "a/uh hundred yen" instead of…
Just Someone
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2 answers

Prefixing `一` to numbers

It seems to me that 千 is exceptional in having it prefixed with 一. As for 一, 十, 百, they work together with 千 to describe the numbers from 1 to 9999, so they compete with one another, or are complimentary. There is no combination like: 一一, 一十, 一百,…
2 answers

Confusion about 一千億 and 一千兆

I recently created a web app called Kazu which aims to help speakers of Japanese and English learn to read numbers in both languages. I found a web page which said that 'for numbers over 1万, "1000" is read as いっせん. So, to be consistent with…
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3 answers

Can 11,000 be written 1.1万?

I have seen 11,000 written as 1万1000, but not as 1.1万 (the way one may write '3.5 millions'). Is this possible?
Mathieu Bouville
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1 answer

How do people in Japan count with their fingers?

In the US, there isn't really a standard way of counting from 1 to 5 on your fingers - numbering the fingers starting with 1 = thumb through 5 = little finger, some people will raise their fingers in the order 1-2-3-4-5; others will go 5-4-3-2-1;…
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2 answers

How would you refer to an apartment number?

I am currently working through みんなの日本語 (and still very new), in 第二課の会話 one character says "...408のサントスです。”, but in the audio the voice actor says what sounds like ”よんまるはちのサントスです". I would say 408 as "よんひゃくはち" , what is this "まる", is it just another…
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1 answer

Mixed Fractions/Mixed Numerals in Japanese

So I know how to read normal fractions (like 1/2) in Japanese but I was wondering how to read mixed fractions (such as 3 1/2). Would one just say 三と二分の一? Thanks.
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3 answers

Trying to understand numbers

I started learning Japanese not long ago and I'm quite confused about two numbers. Seven and nine, I have learned that seven is shichi and that nine is ku. But I also know that seven is nana, and nine is kyu, actually I cannot remember ever hearing…
David Limkys
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2 answers

All the ways of writing numbers

I couldn't find any sites where I could get a comprehensive list of possible number writing formats. My question is mainly about mixing and matching different ideas I've seen online. For general, whole numbers, which of these are…
1 answer

Is there a methodology for forming the intuition to count in myriads?

In my native language (not Japanese), the Sino-Xenic word for "ten thousand" (萬) is only used in historical contexts. In modern times, the Western way of counting in thousands is much preferred, and thousand separators are used. All that makes it…
Vun-Hugh Vaw
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1 answer

Meaning of "1部2万"

たかが感想文とはいえ、ほどほどにリアルな文体と内容が好評で、今では俺の量産する感想文は現在1部2万で取引されている。 speaker talking about his trivial job of writing feedback for literature aimed at elementary schoolers, how many is 1部2万 exactly?
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1 answer

Listing using ひとつ?

I learned from Nihongoresources that: An interesting note is on the "number of problems" I mentioned; while in English you would list problems (or rules, or whatever) as "First, ....., second, ......, third, ....." - Not so in Japanese. Instead,…
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0 answers

What are the ゴロ番, and how do they work?

Possible Duplicate: Rules for slang of Japanese numbers They seem to be some form of replacing kana sounds with numbers to spell things with numbers. Are these actually used anywhere "real"? or are they just a bit of fansite silliness?
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