I am currently working through the N1 grammar preparation book 「新完全マスター 文法」and one of the later chapters of the book deals with the difference between 「その+名詞」and「この+名詞」.
There are two examples given:
For 「その+名詞」:
explanation: 「その+名詞」で「そ」が前の文章中のものを指す。
and for 「この/その+名詞」(both can be used):
explanation: 「この/その+名詞」全体で前の文章中のものを指す。
Even with reading the explanation and the two sample sentences, I do not fully understand the difference between cases where only「その+名詞」can be used and cases where both 「この/その+名詞」are correct. Can anyone clarify?