Could someone help me with understanding/translating this sentence?


The sentence before: マンガ編集者というのは他人も担当作家を抱えています。 (which I read as something like: Being a manga editor means being responsible for several authors...) The sentence after that: 自分の作品の価値を上げ担当編集者に振り向いてもらうことだけ。 (which I read as something like: So the only thing left for me to do is raising the value of my work and thus turn/hand it over to the editor in charge...) Thanks!

It's sometimes so frustrating - even if you know or at least can look up all the words in questions, I sometimes stumble upon sentences where I just never can figure out the whole meaning behind it. Any advice for these kind of encounters? Or is it just a lack of more in-depth and more fundamental grammar principles? In this particular sentence, the あっち and こっち really kills me. Appreciate any help! And stay safe y'all!

  • The context of the sentence would be helpful in properly translating the あっち and こっち. Can you include the sentences before and after? – kandyman Aug 19 '20 at 11:27
  • Sure! Sorry, for missing out on that. So the context is print and publishing company.

    The sentence before: マンガ編集者というのは他人も担当作家を抱えています。 (which I read as something like: Being a manga editor means being responsible for several authors...)

    The sentence after that: 自分の作品の価値を上げ担当編集者に振り向いてもらうことだけ。 (which I read as something like: So the only thing left for me to do is raising the value of my work and thus turn/hand it over to the editor in charge...)


    – Ghost_Dog47 Aug 19 '20 at 12:10
  • It might be worth editing your question to include the context you posted above in your comment, to make it more conspicuous. – kandyman Aug 19 '20 at 12:26

1 Answers1

  • あっち is "their/that side", and in this context it refers to another manga an editor is assigned to. こっち is "our/this side" or "my manga". We can notice this because the previous sentence is about an editor having many mangaka to work with.
  • ~ともなれば is a variant of ~となれば ("once/if it has been decided that ~"). This も used with a conditional expression roughly means "only" or "just". See: Does もあれば have set phrases?
  • ~を後回しにする is a common set phrase that means "to put [something] on the back-burner". ~が後回しになる means "to be put on the back-burner".

Once another manga is set to be made into anime, ...
Just by the fact that another manga will be made into anime, ...

inevitably, ... / naturally, ...

as for the priorities of meetings and such,

our side will be put on the back-burner.

*メディア化 ("media-ization") usually means アニメ化, but sometimes ドラマCD化.

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