What is the nuance of this sentence here:

自分の巣の中で オナニーしていろ 童貞

Translated as: "Go jerk-off in your nest, you virgin"

Does -ていろ imply to "to keep on doing something". So that a more literal translation would be: Keep on jerking-off inside your nest, virgin

1 Answers1


Yes, this -ていろ basically has a progressive meaning.

But いる is also a plain existence verb ("to be", "to stay", "to exist"). In this sentence, the main message conveyed by いろ is "stay in your nest" rather than "keep doing that action". The speaker wants him to go away, and what he does is not very important. I think the original translation is more natural.

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  • So it could have potentially two meanings: 1. Stay and jerk-off inside your nest or 2. Keep jerking-off inside your nest. But here given the context you are of the opinion that it is 1. ? – Japanese Learner Oct 10 '20 at 02:40
  • @JapaneseLearner Hmm... 歩いていろ just means "Keep walking", but 見ていろ tends to imply "Keep watching" and "Stay, do nothing else" at the same time. 待っていろ also has a nuance of "Stay for a while". It depends on the context. In a rare situation where what he needs to do inside his nest is really important, 2. is a possible interpretation. – naruto Oct 10 '20 at 02:45
  • thank you are a legend of Japanese and English. Very impressed ! – Japanese Learner Oct 10 '20 at 15:28