Recently, I looked up「気が引ける」in 旺文社国語辞典
It's odd to me that「遠慮する」is written in passive. I thought it was a typo at first then it occurred to me this「される」can be understood as「させられる」. Is that right?
Recently, I looked up「気が引ける」in 旺文社国語辞典
It's odd to me that「遠慮する」is written in passive. I thought it was a typo at first then it occurred to me this「される」can be understood as「させられる」. Is that right?
This される does not have the passive meaning. It's a less common usage of (ら)れる known as 自発 ("spontaneous").
So this 遠慮される means something along the lines of なんとなく遠慮したい気持ちになる ("to spontaneously feel like refraining"). 遠慮させられる is different because it means some external pressure is making you to do 遠慮.