The following sentence uses 感じられ which I understand to be the continuative passive form of the verb 感じる - "to feel". Why is this form used here?
My guess is that this is an example of "indirect passive" or "suffering passive", but I am at a loss as to how it exactly works here.
Am I right to assume that the (implied) subject in the first part (up to 感じられ) of this sentence is the speaker and he "does the feeling"? If so, why would it be passive?
波の音に驚かれた。I found myself surprised by the sound of the waves.
へ~…😧 「驚かれた」は、「学校に持っていったら、友達に驚かれました。」(受け身) とか「驚かれたお客様もいらっしゃるかと思います」(尊敬) のように使えるとは思いますが… – chocolate Mar 09 '22 at 06:33