I don't understand exactly the meaning of "部長が自分のミス俺のせいにしゃがってさ" the whole sentence is: 今日もさ 部長が自分のミス俺のせいにしゃがってさ冗談じゃ ないよ お前 部下をかばってこそ 上司だろ おい!

the meaning in the text is: today, the head of my department tried to blame me for his screwup. “This is wrong!” I said. “A chief is a chief because he protects his subordinates!”

but I want to know the grammar points of the aforesaid sentence and if the meaning is correct or not.

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    could you give a bit more detail on what you are confused about? Is it the にしやがって that is bothering you? – Shurim Mar 01 '23 at 21:50

1 Answers1


If it's しゃがる that's troubling you, it's not しゃがる but しやがる, which is し (masu-stem of する) + やがる.

If it's てさ that's troubling you, see: て form at end of phrase but not being used for requests

This sentence uses the AをBにする ("to make A B", "to turn A into B", "to pretend A as B") construction, although を has been omitted:

The chief turned his own error into my fault.
→ The chief blamed me for his own mistake.

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