The original sentence is:


I think 〜者と裏付け is the abbreviation for 〜者という裏付け. And my question is: should I add a behind 〜者, so that the sentence becomes:


I think the modified sentence is more natural. Is it? Or did the original sentence just omit the ?

  • 194
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  • Re だ, both are ok. https://japanese.stackexchange.com/q/91305/45489 – sundowner May 12 '23 at 02:55
  • Regarding your doubt about (the omission of) だ after 被害者, 心臓麻痺死者 and 被害者 here refer to the same set of people, rather than a whole set and a subset. You might say 被害者の心臓麻痺死者 if you're already certain they are indeed 被害者 of the criminal you're after. と思われる works on 被害者 like "alleged." The uncertainty expressed by it is not so much about the statement 心臓麻痺死者は被害者だ with the subject specifically pointing to 心臓麻痺死者. It's more about the status of the dead people you're looking at as 被害者 and those dead people are already known to be 心臓麻痺死者. This interpretation comes more natural without だ. – aguijonazo May 13 '23 at 05:56
  • Besides, the insertion of だ there would make it likelier for the phrase to be parsed as [今までに明らかになった被害者だ] と思われる心臓麻痺死者 when it's intended to be read as 今までに明らかになった [被害者だと思われる心臓麻痺死者]. This is because people expect だ to end a longer sentence than just one word. – aguijonazo May 13 '23 at 05:57
  • @aguijonazo Thank you for comments! I get your points. But I still have a question: just like the relative clause in English: "the people dying of heart attacks who are alleged to be victims of the criminal" can be seen as made from "the people dying of heart attacks are alleged to be victims of the criminal", could 被害者と思われる心臓麻痺死者 be seen as made from 心臓麻痺死者が被害者と思われる? If yes, I think the 思われる acts as a passive, which means "be alleged". How do you think of it? – shepherd May 13 '23 at 07:41
  • It's not a passive. It's called 自発形. 思う doesn't usually take a person as its direct object unless it's used in the sense of "to think of someone fondly," which clearly doesn't apply here. This means if that 思われる were a passive, it would be a suffering passive, which also doesn't make sense here. – aguijonazo May 13 '23 at 09:49
  • @aguijonazo Many thanks! But I still have 2 questions: 1. Do you think 心臓麻痺死者が被害者と思われる is correct? 2. And about the passive, can't 〜を〜と思う be used as "think of someone. as something"? such as 心臓麻痺死者を被害者と思う, and isn't 心臓麻痺死者が被害者と思われる just like the direct passive of it? – shepherd May 13 '23 at 10:35
  • It's OK as a sentence but it would be more natural with だ as [心臓麻痺死者が被害者だ] と思われる. Its focus is different from 被害者と思われる心臓麻痺死者, which is not really about what 心臓麻痺死者 are thought to be. It just refers to 心臓麻痺死者 with an explanation that they are alleged victims. 2. 基準, which is part of 企業, is the direct object of 認める. The part with (だ) と denotes how it's recognized.
  • – aguijonazo May 13 '23 at 10:38
  • @aguijonazo Thank you, For Aが企業の基準を公正妥当(だ)と認められる, my point is it's 認められる but not 認める, so it's a indirect passive, what does that mean? A is suffering from that the 企業の基準 is recognized to be 公正妥当? – shepherd May 13 '23 at 10:57
  • It means someone does something to something you consider to be part of you as in 足を踏まれる, where 足 is the direct object of 踏む but is still marked by を in the passive sentence. The subject is 私 as the whole. There is no such part in 心臓麻痺死者が被害者と思われる. – aguijonazo May 13 '23 at 11:23
  • @aguijonazo I mean it's a direct passive not indirect. To be more clear, if I said 警察が心臓麻痺死者を被害者と思う which means the police regard 心臓麻痺死者 as 被害者, and 心臓麻痺死者 is the direct object of 思う, right? The direct passive of this sentence is just 心臓麻痺死者が(警察に)被害者と思われる. Although it may sound unnatural to you, but the form is just like the direct passive of other transitive verbs, right? That's what I mean. – shepherd May 13 '23 at 11:52
  • It’s OK but 思う in that construction seems to me like an informal substitute for more appropriate verbs. And that passive still has a suffering sense. – aguijonazo May 13 '23 at 12:20
  • @aguijonazo Thank you so much, now I have a better understanding. – shepherd May 13 '23 at 13:34