When you conjugate both ~てもらう and いる to the て form ~てもらってて, what does that do to the tense?
Example sentence: おばあちゃんに録ってもらってて。
When you conjugate both ~てもらう and いる to the て form ~てもらってて, what does that do to the tense?
Example sentence: おばあちゃんに録ってもらってて。
As far as the "tense" goes, your sentence is roughly the same as:
- My grandma is recording it (for me).
- My grandma has recorded it (for me).
So it's in the -teiru form, which describes either the progressive aspect or the perfective aspect, depending on the context. See: When is Vている the continuation of action and when is it the continuation of state?
This sentence ends with て instead of る. For the reason for this, see: て form at end of phrase but not being used for requests