Possibly related to How to communicate technical obstacles?.

In my current position I have found myself in difficulty when it comes to communicating technical difficulties or project management difficulties.

A bit of context: I work in a startup of 15 people, out of which 4 is our development team with me as the oldest one in the project (2 years), but the youngest in terms of age. There are often situations where I am asked to estimate the time of a given task where the difficulty level varies wildly. The code base was built by me over a 1 year period. Because I was the one always in charge of it, it is assumed that somehow I know every single aspect that can go wrong and that changing things is a linear process. Recently, our team grew and now I have the responsibility of managing the new team members as well as partially overseeing our project. For this we decided to use scrum. I have no issue with scrum, I have worked with it before and know my way around it. The COO and CEO however have never worked with it before and they are learning it now. Because of this, we did a half-way implementation of scrum where they decided what features to use or not. The problem is, they decided to remove user stories completely which is a massive mistake in my opinion as it removes a whole layer of validation of our progress.

The problem that I am facing is very often, I am unable to communicate clearly what the problem is. Although I can give clear answers and solutions when prompted too, a lot of the times I am faced with open questions from them such as "Why are user stories important? It's just a phrasing of a functionality." Or "Why does it take so long to change one text field?"

What are some ways to improve my communication to reach out the people that are not so knowledgeable in a topic? A lot of the times I feel that I am met with skepticism because I am relatively young (26 years), which seems to be more important than the fact that I have been working in software development for 5 years.

  • Allow me some questions to better understand your situation: 1) how were you working before switching to scrum? 2) do you have a product owner? Do they have experience with scrum? 3) are you acting as the scrum master also? From your question it seems that you are. 4) how has been your relation with the CEO and COO so far? Are they open minded individuals or the stubborn commanding type? – Bogdan Aug 11 '20 at 18:05
  • Before scrum we did not have a managing system, I would constantly get get my priority and work on it from the CEO; 2) The product owner is the CEO theoretically, practically however he does not act as one, does not understand scrum and it's mechanisms. My guess is that he views it as a tool for managers to delegate work, without considering the concept of self-managed teams
  • – Iustinian Olaru Aug 11 '20 at 18:26
  • I am acting as scrum master for the software team, however there is another that is "General scrum master". We have only one scrum board for everybody involved(software, hardware engineers, electrical engineers) 4) CEO is stubborn. Did some programming in matlab some time and somehow assumes everything is linear like that. COO is new and non technical, however is stubborn on managing side
  • – Iustinian Olaru Aug 11 '20 at 18:29
  • One thing to note: User Stories are not part of Scrum, even though they are frequently used in a Scrum context. Scrum only requires that you have a backlog of "Product Backlog Items" without defining what form they take. – Bart van Ingen Schenau Aug 12 '20 at 08:18
  • To answer "Why does it take so long to change one text field?" see what I wrote at https://blog.expertpjm.com/2011/07/quick-small-change.html – Danny Schoemann Aug 12 '20 at 12:14