The full sentence was 人気のある情報を見る, found on a button. Why would のある instead of for instance な
Viewed 666 times
It means the same than 人気がある. Does it help? As for why and how this が can be replaced by の, it has been answered before here – jarmanso7 May 20 '20 at 06:02
@jarmanso7 I understand the の/が replacement, the part that confuses me is why is ある used with 人気? Does it just mean favorite? Can other adjectives also be used like this? – Lourens May 20 '20 at 06:08
1 Answers
人気 works both as a noun ("popularity") and as a no-/na-adjective ("popular"). The following sentences mean the same thing:
"Pokémon is popular with children."
- ポケモンは子供に人気です。
- ポケモンは子供に人気があります。
English speakers don't usually say "there is popularity", but Japanese speakers do say 人気がある for whatever reason. Both sentences are very common and I don't even know which is more common.
Naturally, you can construct relative clauses from them. The following noun phrases mean the same thing:
"a Pokémon which is popular with children"
- 子供に人気なポケモン
- 子供に人気のポケモン
- 子供に人気があるポケモン
- 子供に人気のあるポケモン

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