Hi I was revisiting Noun Phrase, and I wanted to cover up several aspects of の using a single noun phrase, but I was getting a bit confused with that regard.
So, following is my sentence: (Please note there maybe other ways of describing but I want to make it using particle の only to check out the order of positioning of particle の, which involves different modifier)
What I want to say; Yamada san's Japanese Friend Tanaka san's red tree house in Japan (location of house in Japan) = Noun Phrase
...is expensive.
In this sentence multiple uses of の are involved
日本: Positioning Modifier for House (in Japan)
山田: Possessive Modifier for Tanaka san (山田's Friend)
日本人: Noun Modifier for Friend (Japanese Friend)
友達の田中さん: Apposition Modifier for Tanaka san (who is a friend or my friend Tanaka san)
赤い: I-Adjective for Modifying the Colour of the House
木: Noun Modifier for House (as in Tree House)
So, following are my 3 questions:
Is it Grammatical? As I was getting confused with the position of Positional Modifier (of where the house is) and Possessive Modifier i.e. using 山田さんの日本の。。。
Is this a natural order I.e. Position (Place) -> Possessive Marker -> Noun Modifier (optional) -> Apposition -> Adjective -> Noun Modifier -> Noun (Main)?
Is there any difference between 赤い木の家 or 木の赤い家 in the following sentence?
Thank You
(FYI - I tried using Google Translator, but it was showing different results each time I tried to put this in)