In a poem named 「生きる」 by 谷川俊太郎, the poet described "to live" with many instances.
In the instances put forward in the penultimate stanza, the poet put 「が」 after the subjects, such as in 「犬が吠える」, 「地球が廻っている」, etc.
However, in the final stanza, the…
According to Weblio, 「それがなにか(問題)」 is similar to "So what", e.g.
I'm wondering why the topic marker 「は」, as in 「それはなに」, is not used here.
After all, "As to that, is there any thing wrong" sounds very close to "So what".
I was doing some exercises and the book that I'm using translated:
I don't want shoes
I answered using が particle instead は, since, as far as I know, I should use が before 欲しい. So why did the book use は this time?
I imagined that…
I am reading the visual novel known as Kanon.
I'll include some context, but the final sentence is where my question is:
(In a corner, the rucksack with white wings sprouting out the back)
The following is an exercise from Tae Kim's Guide.
I have to pick は or が to fill in the blanks:
ジム)アリス ____ 誰?
ボブ)友達だ。彼女 ____ アリスだ
I think we should use は after アリス in the first sentence, but I'm confused about the second sentence. I think it…
The sentence ジェームズはこのような会議は好きではありません sounds like James does not like this kind of meeting (long meetings) BUT likes another kind of meeting.…
I posted that entry on Lang-8 and someone corrected my use of は to…
I was surprised by a conversation listed in my textbook. The conversation goes like this:
A: ハンバーガーを[食]{た}べますか。
B: いいえ、ハンバーガーは[嫌]{きら}いです
As for the meaning, I believe I understand it. ("Do you eat hamburgers? ... No, I hate them.") However, I…
Fishes like people
Person that likes fish
Although I know the definition of both sentences it is very confusing to me, why が works and は doesn't.