-ず and -ぬ are two alternatives to the negative form -ない / -ません. But I noticed that depending on the word, it's either -ず or -ぬ, although it seems like some words can take both suffixes. Some examples I have encountered:
知らず (lyric in song "タッチ" by Younha)
わからず (lyric in song "愛するもの" by Angela Aki/アンジェラ・アキ)
せず (song title: "油断せずに行こう")
なれず (lyric in song "未来へ" by Kiroro/キロロ)
気づかぬ (lyric in song "ありがとう..." by KOKIA)
届かぬ (song title: "届かぬ想い")
ならぬ (lyric in song "春雷" by YeLLOW Generation)
both -ず and -ぬ
とらず / とらぬ
できず / できぬ
So are there rules for choosing between -ず and -ぬ?
The verb pattern ~ざるを得ない is still quite common.
[Of course they've snuck into idioms]
Don't forget 親知らず (wisdom teeth)
– istrasci Jun 02 '11 at 02:41