Solar Saros 142

Saros cycle series 142 for solar eclipses occurs at the Moon's descending node, repeating every 18 years, 11 days, containing 72 eclipses, 44 of which are umbral, of which all but one are total. The first eclipse in the series was on 17 April 1624 and the final eclipse will be on 5 June 2904.

Historic saros cycle animation
September 7, 1858
Series member 14
December 4, 2002
Totality from Australia
Series member 22
December 14, 2020
Totality from Gorbea, Chile
Series member 23

The longest totality will be 6 minutes 34 seconds on 28 May, 2291. The series is currently producing short total eclipses. The most recent eclipse was a total eclipse on 14 December 2020 and the next will be a total eclipse on 2038 December 26.

This solar saros is linked to Lunar Saros 135.

Umbral eclipses

Umbral eclipses (annular, total and hybrid) can be further classified as either: 1) Central (two limits), 2) Central (one limit) or 3) Non-Central (one limit). The statistical distribution of these classes in Saros series 142 appears in the following table.

All Umbral eclipses44100.00%
Central (two limits)4397.73%
Central (one limit)12.27%
Non-central (one limit)00.00%

All eclipses

Lat, Long
1421April 17, 162417:16:18Partial71.2S 23.1W-1.52080.0582
1422April 29, 16420:29:43Partial70.6S 144.7W-1.45850.166
1423May 9, 16607:36:45Partial69.7S 95.9E-1.38970.2868
1424May 20, 167814:40:42Partial68.8S 22.1W-1.31720.4158
1425May 30, 169621:41:23Partial67.8S 138.7W-1.24060.5534
1426June 12, 17144:40:01Partial66.8S 105.8E-1.1610.6976
1427June 22, 173211:38:48Partial65.8S 9.3W-1.080.8457
1428July 3, 175018:38:52Partial64.8S 124.3W-0.99850.9956
1429July 14, 17681:40:57Hybrid43S 137.4E-0.91761.0055480m 29s
14210July 25, 17868:46:33Total34.6S 30.8E-0.83841.0106660m 59s
14211August 5, 180415:57:13Total29.3S 77.1W-0.76221.0144751m 20s
14212August 16, 182223:14:34Total26.1S 173.5E-0.69041.0173801m 35s
14213August 27, 18406:37:32Total24.3S 62.9E-0.62231.0195831m 45s
14214September 7, 185814:09:29Total23.9S 49.8W-0.56091.021851m 50s
14215September 17, 187621:49:15Total24.6S 164.5W-0.50541.022861m 53s
14216September 29, 18945:39:02Total26.1S 78.5E-0.45731.0226851m 55s
14217October 10, 191213:36:14Total28.1S 40.1W-0.41491.0229851m 55s
14218October 21, 193021:43:53Total30.5S 161.1W-0.38041.023841m 55s
14219November 1, 19485:59:18Total33.1S 76.2E-0.35171.0231841m 56s
14220November 12, 196614:23:28Total35.6S 48.2W-0.331.0234841m 57s
14221November 22, 198422:54:17Total37.8S 173.6W-0.31321.0237852m 0s
14222December 4, 20027:32:16Total39.5S 59.6E-0.3021.0244872m 4s
14223December 14, 202016:14:39Total40.3S 67.9W-0.29391.0254902m 10s
14224December 26, 20381:00:10Total40.3S 164E-0.28811.0268952m 18s
14225January 5, 20579:47:52Total39.2S 35.2E-0.28371.02871022m 29s
14226January 16, 207518:36:04Total37.2S 94.1W-0.27991.03111102m 42s
14227January 27, 20933:22:16Total34.1S 136.4E-0.27371.0341192m 58s
14228February 8, 211112:05:33Total30.2S 6.8E-0.2651.03741303m 17s
14229February 18, 212920:44:37Total25.6S 122.5W-0.25261.04111423m 38s
14230March 2, 21475:18:54Total20.5S 108.8E-0.2361.04521554m 2s
14231March 12, 216513:45:50Total14.9S 18.8W-0.2131.04951684m 27s
14232March 23, 218322:06:49Total8.9S 145.2W-0.18481.0541814m 54s
14233April 4, 22016:19:57Total2.7S 90.2E-0.14951.05841945m 20s
14234April 15, 221914:26:33Total3.7N 32.8W-0.10861.06282075m 45s
14235April 25, 223722:25:04Total10.1N 153.7W-0.06061.06682196m 5s
14236May 7, 22556:18:06Total16.4N 87.2E-0.00761.07062306m 22s
14237May 17, 227314:04:31Total22.5N 29.7W0.05151.07382406m 31s
14238May 28, 229121:45:28Total28.3N 144.5W0.11531.07642496m 34s
14239June 9, 23095:21:55Total33.6N 102.7E0.18331.07832576m 30s
14240June 20, 232712:55:01Total38.3N 8.3W0.25421.07952656m 21s
14241June 30, 234520:26:17Total42.1N 117.7W0.32671.07972726m 7s
14242July 12, 23633:55:03Total45N 134.5E0.40121.07922795m 51s
14243July 22, 238111:25:02Total46.9N 26.9E0.47481.07772855m 33s
14244August 2, 239918:55:14Total48N 80.4W0.54821.07542915m 14s
14245August 13, 24172:28:06Total48.3N 171.4E0.61891.07232974m 55s
14246August 24, 243510:03:12Total48.2N 62.2E0.68751.06843044m 35s
14247September 3, 245317:43:48Total48N 49.1W0.75131.06383124m 15s
14248September 15, 24711:29:11Total48N 162.2W0.81091.05853233m 54s
14249September 25, 24899:20:22Total48.6N 82.9E0.86541.05273413m 32s
14250October 7, 250717:18:18Total50N 34W0.91411.04643743m 7s
14251October 18, 25251:23:55Total52.7N 152.5W0.95581.03964502m 39s
14252October 29, 25439:36:30Total[lower-alpha 1]58.7N 91.9E0.99191.0316-2m 2s
14253November 8, 256117:55:40Partial62.5N 31.3W1.02210.966
14254November 20, 25792:21:42Partial63.3N 166.5W1.04660.9182
14255November 30, 259710:54:08Partial64.1N 56.4E1.06540.8814
14256December 12, 261519:30:54Partial65.1N 82.1W1.08020.8524
14257December 23, 26334:12:15Partial66.1N 137.9E1.09090.8313
14258January 3, 265212:55:42Partial67.2N 3.1W1.09950.8144
14259January 13, 267021:41:08Partial68.3N 145.2W1.10610.8013
14260January 25, 26886:24:18Partial69.3N 72.8E1.11410.786
14261February 5, 270615:07:13Partial70.3N 69.9W1.12180.7713
14262February 16, 272423:45:25Partial71.1N 148E1.13270.7511
14263February 27, 27428:19:28Partial71.7N 6.3E1.14680.725
14264March 9, 276016:45:54Partial72.1N 133.9W1.16670.6887
14265March 21, 27781:06:37Partial72.3N 87E1.19080.6446
14266March 31, 27969:18:22Partial72.1N 49.7W1.22160.5883
14267April 11, 281417:21:36Partial71.7N 176E1.25890.5204
14268April 22, 28321:15:31Partial71.1N 44.5E1.30310.4397
14269May 3, 28509:01:02Partial70.3N 84.3W1.35370.3475
14270May 13, 286816:37:07Partial69.4N 149.9E1.41110.243
14271May 25, 28860:04:54Partial68.5N 26.8E1.47420.1283
14272June 5, 29047:24:50Partial67.5N 93.8W1.54280.004


  1. No northern limit


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